Chapter 22 - Idiots

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Nobody was talking to the three boys who had ruined everything. Zach had been awake all night, and Daniel had even cried a little. Christina was on her way back while Corbyn was pacing the house, waiting for her arrival. 

"You better have a damn good reason why Y/N was crying her eyes out over the phone out last night because of the shit you three pulled?" She screamed walking through the front door. 

"We didn't mean to do it, we were at a restaurant and then these fans asked us to come back to their house party and I guess we ended up ruining everything." Corbyn admitted to her, running his fingers through his blonde locks.

"Ruining everything is an understatement, what you have done may have cost you your reputation. I've already been tagged in thousands of different videos of you guys drinking your sorrows away, I don't even wanna mention everything else!" She shouted again.

"I never thought you of all people could be so irresponsible. Jonah, you're the oldest so what the fuck? And Jack, I don't even wanna start with you because I'll end up throwing a vase." Her fingers massaged either side of her head as she got angrier and angrier. Zach was stood next to you, his head resting on your shoulder, whereas Tyler and Daniel didn't want to be apart of this conversation and went upstairs.

"We can't believe we did it either." Jonah sighed. Another knock came from the door and this time it was David and Aspen. She gave you a light smile.

"Hey Y/N." She said quietly.

"Hey Aspen." You replied, while Davids anger was shown in his red face.

"Do you have any idea what you have caused!?" David bellowed, his voice echoing through the house. They gulped.

"I never imagined you to do something like this, but here I am, lecturing you. You're an upcoming boy-band that everyone loves and now their going to get the complete wrong idea because of your actions." He continued.

"You could've blown your reputations just as much as mine, do you know how much that would suck?" He questioned them. 

"When you say could've you mean what?" Jonah spoke up, suddenly not being so quiet and shy as before. David let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"Believe it or not, I managed to save your asses." Zach's head raised from off of your shoulder and Jack, Jonah and Corbyn's faces began to light up. 

"Today is meant to be Y/N's meet and greet as I have been informed, which is why you are going to perform and apologize sincerely to each and every one of your individual fans." Everyone looked confused.

"How are we meant to say sorry to over a million people?" Jack asked while David grew a smirk.

"I've hired multiple camera crew and news reporters to turn up today at the event, so everyone on their best behavior and no underage drinking, for the sake of us all." He glared at the three of them slouched against the wall. 

"You have two hours to sort everything out and be at the grove. This is your last chance as a band boys, don't mess this up like the idiots you were last night. I think you owe Y/N  an apology for making her go through the stress for bailing you out and thank her for paying your bail." David informed them.

"I agree." Christina crossed her arms over her chest. The three of them came over and tackled you in a hug, which you took.

"We're sorry Y/N." Corbyn sighed, and Jack and Jonah nodded.

"I don't need an apology, I think you'll find I'm not in the band." You looked over at Zach who was stood watching at the bottom of the stairs with Daniel and Tyler. 

"We are unbelievably sorry." Jonah told them, you couldn't really hear what else they were saying but you saw them all hug so it was all good. Christina came over to you and hugged you tightly.

"I'm sorry that they were so stupid." She mumbled.

"It's fine, lets just get through this day. We leave tomorrow." Your heart sank, five days had gone by so fast and it sort of hurt you that you vowed to never come back. As much as you hated being there and how much you had complained about being there, all you wanted was to stay, and you didn't know what you wanted.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, while you went to go and chose your outfits for the massive event happening in less then a couple of hours.

"How I underestimated five days feeling like forever. I feel like I've had a day back here." You told her.

"You don't want to leave do you?" She knew you like the ins and outs of a book.

"That's not it, I just, my head says one thing and my heart says another." You admitted, sighing in defeat and falling onto one of the beds. 

"Always follow your heart Y/N. That's all I have to say to that." She told you. You nodded, putting on some black skinny jeans, a floral top and sandals. 

"I always loved that outfit on you!" Christina screeched, admiring what you were wearing.

"Thanks." You giggled, settling down on the floor in front of the mirror to do your makeup and hair.

"I'm going curly for the day." You told her, reaching for the curlers out of her suitcase and placing them down beside you. By the time you were done, you had twenty minutes before you had to be there so Tyler had ordered and uber big enough for you all to get into. Just before you were about to leave, Jack pulled you aside from everyone.

"I know you hate my guts, I do too." He started off.

"I don't hate you, but carry on." He smiled but snapped back into reality.

"We haven't told anyone our current situation so how are we gonna act today?" Jack rushed out.

"I'm sick of acting Jack, but we'll just see how the day turns out, because I don't want to be breaking peoples hearts with the fact that we aren't together anymore." 

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