Chapter 7 - Words I Didn't Say

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The whole night consisted of on and off waking up. It was now 7am and you had been awake since 5am. You knew the boys had to be at the studio early because you remembered the schedule clearly. Once you got up, you quickly folded your blanket and pillows and placed them on the edge of the sofa.  You made yourself a coffee and sat out in the backyard.

"Good morning California." You whispered admiring the view of the city. It was always so gorgeous. After ten minutes, it was time for you to wake the boys up, considering none of them had set alarms. 

"Time to sing songs!" You shouted as you made your way up the stairs. Two groans from the boys echoed through the hallway. 

"Come on boys! We've gotta be at the studio soon otherwise Tyler will kill you all." Zach threw a pillow at you while you opened the curtains, and you threw it back at him twice as hard. Slowly, Christina rose up from the bed. 

"For crying out loud." She sighed wiping the tiredness out of her eyes.

"I swear to god you four, get your asses out of bed, I've been awake for the past two hours. The Limelights need music, get up!" You then headed into Daniel and Jacks room, surprised neither of them were awake after your shouting. Before you did anything, you noticed the pictures you had ripped down last night had been gently stuck back on the wall. 

"Rise and shine boys, lets make a number one EP and sell out even more shows." You cooed. Daniel instantly woke up but Jack didn't.

"Can you get him up please? I need to go and get ready?" You asked Daniel, he nodded. But what you didn't know was that Jack really was awake and all he wanted was you. He didn't care about anything else. 

"Y/N I'm borrowing your converse." Christina shouted from the other room.

"As long as I can wear your black boots." You walked back into the other room, where everyone was already dressed and ready to go.

"Right, Jonah, go make yourself a coffee, I know you'll be moody without it. Zachary, here is your phone, I know you like to check your social media as soon as you wake up and Corbyn just be you." You laughed. Everyone headed downstairs and you quickly got changed into a casual outfit. 

"Uh Y/N?" Corbyn called your name as he saw your face appear from the bottom of the stairs.


"Turns out the fans know the location of our studio, is there any chance you and Jack can hit it off as a couple? He asked.

"Just for a few minutes." A sleepy Jack finished off the sentence. 

"I guess so." You sighed, your phone buzzed and saw it was Tyler, Daniel's brother as well ad temporary tour manager.

"Okay, there is a minivan outside waiting for us, lets go boys." You told them. Everyone got a seat and you sat in between Jack and Daniel. 

"Have you guys got any lyrics for the new songs?" Christina asked them.

"I was working on something last night." Jack spoke up, all the boys looked at him, clearly unaware.

"You'll like it." He mumbled. Corbyn was right, the front of the studio building was covered in fans. Thankfully there was some sort of security there so everyone was gonna be safe. The minivan door was opened by Tyler who greeted both you and Christina with hugs.

"Right guys, we want this to run safely, so please keep within distance." Tyler called out to all of the fans. Christina and Corbyn got out first and the screams filled the air. Then Jonah, Daniel and Zach got out and the screams got even louder.

"Are you ready for this?" Jack asked, standing up and reaching his hand down for yours.

"I suppose so." You sighed, interlocking your fingers with his and jumping out of the van. The screams were the loudest they could've been.

"It's Y/N and Jack!" 

"I love you!" 

"Y/N can we get a picture?" One of the girls asked, you nodded crouching down to her height and taking a selfie. However, you knew Jack was needed in the building so you couldn't take pictures with everyone. Jack wrapped his hand around your waist and you headed in. 

"They go harder every single time." Zach smiled taking an Instagram boomerang of the fans outside.  

"You guys are still one of the favorite couples I see." Tyler laughed. Jack quickly let go of your waist as if it never happened and Tyler looked at you confused. 

"Lets just go make some music." Jonah stated. You all got into two separate elevators and Jack was the first in the booth.

"So, guys. I was on the phone last night and I got played this beat, and I came up with these lyrics." Jack said through the microphone. You settled down on the spinny chair whereas everyone else had to sit on the uncomfortable couch.

"These lyrics mean a lot to me and I guess you can say they are about someone extremely special to me." He whispered. The music strummed through the speakers as Jack began to sing. You looked anywhere but his eyes.

 "Every time we got closer, I pushed you away"

"Pulled you right back, just to give you the pain"

"If I was your sinner, then you were my saint"

"Guilty of breaking your heart" His voice sounded as always angelic, and the words he was singing really got to you.

"And then I sort of like didn't know what else to exactly put after that, but towards the end of the song, I came up with a little more." All the boys had small smiles on their faces as they looked at you sympathetically, knowing this was affecting you.

"See, I can't live without you, I hope you forgive it"

"A world without you, is a world without living." 

"Then that repeats maybe four or five times and then the song ends." He finished off. For the first time in what felt like forever you looked Jack in the eye, but it hurt you so bad.

"I can't do this." You  ran out, feeling all sorts of emotions.

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