Chapter 18 - Swan Dive

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It was getting darker and darker and the sun had set about ten minutes ago. LA weather had been consistently hot, even at night-time. Christina had stayed next to you the whole time whereas the others decided to take photos and lookout to see if Jack would arrive. 

"The water looks insane." Christina whispered, it really was a glowing blue.

"There's something else I forgot to mention." You grinned, getting ready to show her, but your phone started ringing again. All eyes averted to you as you saw it was Kristin. 

"Hold that thought." You sighed, she nodded. 

"Y/N? You finally picked up. Please, listen to me." She said frantically through the phone. 

"We're meant to be family sweet-heart, you know you could've told me that the relationship was patchy." She began.

"It's not something that really exited the house. I can't be with him anymore Kristin." You told her. In the distance you saw a car but you just shrugged it off as Tyler set off to go and see if it was the devil himself.

"That's your decision Y/N, I'm not here to make those for you. I just thought I made it clear, you seriously can talk to me, whatever you say, whatever you go through, I will always be here for you. Whether you're with or without Jack, okay?" She began crying on the phone and the waterworks in your eyes slightly appeared.

"I know I can, thank-you." You whispered. 

"Now, I don't even want to talk about him if it will make you upset, but as he is my son, and as much as I'm extremely disappointed in him at the moment, do you have any clue as to where the heck he is?" She asked. As if on queue he was at the bottom of the rocks with Tyler, and you couldn't have been anymore angry.

"We've found him. Look I love you so much, I'll call you later." You told her.

"I love you too, be safe." And with that she hung up. You took your jeans and top off.

"What the hell are you doing?" Christina put her hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing out loud.

"Like I said, there's something else I forgot to mention." You smirked, taking a run and jump, swan-diving into the water beneath you. Once you emerged everyone was looking down on you.

"I hope you have towels in your car." Tyler laughed, then Christina jumped in after you. 

"Is she okay?" Jack panicked, once he saw you in the water, happy and healthy, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

"How long are you two gonna be in there for?" Corbyn asked. 

"We'll be out in a minute, just let us have some fun." Christina replied. You floated on your back for a few minutes before swimming towards the shore. 

"You know what this place reminds me of?" Christina asked you, and you knew what she was going to say.

"Brinley would've been into this kind of scenery." She smiled lightly, mentioning your younger sister by a year, whom passed away a few years back. 

"This place always reminds me of her. Like I know she's here with me if you get what I mean." You told her. Christina would have given you a hug, but it was an awkward motion as you were both swimming. The guys were waiting with your dry clothes, but you didn't want to put them on while soaking wet. 

"How did you even get here Jack? You don't have a car." Tyler asked him, while you all began walking. Both you and Christina slightly shivering because of the cold air that had hit you.

"Daniels waiting in the car, he said he didn't want to be a witness in another argument." Jack mumbled.

"You could've told us that sooner!" Corbyn screeched, running towards the car. He had probably been left alone in the car for around half an hour.

"Is that my queue to feel bad?" You frowned, Jack was gonna say something but Tyler gave him a hand gesture and he didn't say a word. 

"He'll be fine Y/N, go talk to him." Tyler told you. You scurried towards the car, just behind Corbyn, and noticed someone else in the car. You were annoyed when you saw it was Aspen, but you chose to just keep your mouth shut. Daniel opened the window.

"Y/N why are you half naked!" Daniel joked, putting his hands over his eyes. 

"Kinda swan-dived off of the cliff, anyway, I'm sorry you had to see that earlier, it wasn't fair." You told him, he opened the car door and gave you a hug, despite what you looked like.

"Don't apologize, I love you Y/N." He kissed your forehead.

"Love you too Dani, I'm glad I've got you." You grinned. 

"Are you trying to get with every Why Don't We boy?" Aspen got out of the car. Everyone who was in your car, immediately got out and walked over. You didn't even want to argue with her.

"Honey, that's what you've been trying to do since daddy started managing them." You rolled your eyes and headed back to your car. You quickly put your clothes back on and sat in the drivers seat.

"You'll regret that." She sneered. 

"Okay." You laughed. Tyler sat in the passenger seat, Jack was sat in the back, and you had too look twice.

"Why are you in here?" You asked him, switching the car on.

"Because, I know you'd be annoyed if I was in there." Jack said.

"Jack, we're not together okay? And if you really don't wanna see me annoyed, tell Aspen to back off. She can have you all to herself, as long as she stays away from me." You groaned.

"I know we're not together anymore, and I'll talk to her, but don't ever think that I'm gonna be in a relationship with her, do you really think I would do that to you?" He question, getting himself worked up.

"Well you managed to break my heart." You sighed, the rest of the drive was silent, Tyler rubbed your shoulder in comfort every so often. Once you were back at the house, you all awkwardly got out. Jonah and Zach were stood at the front door.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Jonah asked, heading to wrap his arms around you, but you declined, walking past him and Zach, you grew slightly happy when you saw Aspen was out of sight, but you were still completely and utterly heartbroken. 

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