Chapter 38 - Little Brother

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The amount of breakup songs that echoed the room from the television made you feel worse so you turned it off. There was another knock on the door and you knew it would be Christina so you opened the door, she was with Anna and Ashley.

"Y/N." Christina started but you cut her off.

"Let's just not talk about it." You mumbled, letting them in and shutting the door.

"We were all waiting in the lobby and he told us what happened." Anna spoke up.

"If it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be." Ashley continued, you knew she was right, but it still sucked.

"And we thought you'd want to know that he's made a public announcement of your breakup on social media." Christina bit her lip, nervous of your reaction.

"He can do what he wants." You mumbled, grabbing your purse.

"Where are you going?" Ashley asked.

"For a walk, I'll be back later." You told her, and you were out of the door before they could say anything else. The last thing on your mind was how stupid you looked walking around in slippers, shorts and a tank top. Once you made it to the lobby, you saw a few people who were invited to the wedding.

"How are you feeling?" Nash asked, getting up and giving you a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time by flying you out here." You apologised to the multiple original Magcon members. Aaron ushered for you to sit down next to him, which you did.

"Do you think this is the end for real?"  Cameron asked.

"Yeah, I do. I should've listened to you guys from the beginning." You sighed, resting your head on Aaron's shoulder.

"You live and you learn Y/N." You heard a voice from behind you, and there was your younger brother. He stood there with open arms and you got up and hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" You whispered.

"I was meant to be here for the wedding, but now I guess it's a vacation. The internet is blowing up." Mitchell showed you his phone and you saw all the mentions and tweets about yours and Jacks breakup, it was number one trending.

"That's insane." You mumbled and your brother hugged you again.

"There's plenty of fish in the sea Y/N. You got lost in the moment. He clearly wasn't the one for you." He looked over and the others who you were sat with.

"Whose this Y/N?" He asked and you dragged him over to meet everyone.

"These are some of my closest friends. So we have Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Aaron, Christian, Kristen, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Taylor, Carter and Matt." He went round and shook all of their hands.

"We appreciate everything you do for our country." Nash told him and the other nodded in agreement.

"Thank-You so much." Your brother took a seat.

"This is my younger brother Mitchell." You told them all.

"I knew it! You guys literally look like twins." Carter laughed. They all got talking.

"I'm just gonna go and get a drink from the store, I'll be back in a minute." You announced and walked out. The heat of the night hit you and so did a bombard of cameras.

"Y/N what happened with you and Jack?" A familiar guy from TMZ approached you and walked with you.

"Things just didn't work out. It was a mutual breakup." You told him, wanting to just get to the nearest store as quickly as you could.

"I'm so sorry to here, you have an amazing personality it's a shame you're single now. So why did you guys leave it this long into the engagement to end things? I mean you're getting married in a couple of days." He continued.

"I'm supposed to be getting married but it's not happening. We both realised that it wasn't what we wanted, and due to things happening in our relationship previously, getting married isn't what we should be doing." What you didn't realise was that all of the things you were saying, was being put on live television.

"How do you think your fans will feel?" He asked, thankfully you spotted the store.

"Both Jack and I's fans are extremely amazing and understanding and I know that they will be upset but they'll respect our decisions, I need to go into the store so I'll see you later." You to him.

"Thankyou for you time Y/N, goodnight." You had a sigh of relief when you entered the store and your face lit up when you saw Kyler and Mad with the twins.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Kyler asked while you grabbed a couple of lemonades and Coca Colas.

"Not great but I know I'll be okay." You told him. Oakley made grabby hands towards you, so you lifted her out of her push-chair and rested her on your hip while Mad took the drinks out of your hand and placed them in her basket.

"We heard you getting questioned." Mad sighed and pointed to the television in the corner of the store, where it showed you and the TMZ reporter walking.

"I'm not even surprised." You groaned, heading off down a separate aisle and grabbing some snacks.

"Food." Oakley pointed to the food in your hands.

"That's right! Well done Oakley." You grinned, kissing her on the cheek, making her laugh.

"You'll be a great mom some day Y/N, the babies love you." Kyler laughed, taking the food out of your hand and putting it into the basket.

"I've been told. I just love babies." You smiled. They went to pay and ended up paying for your things.

"Let me give you the money for my things." You grabbed the money out of your purse.

"The least we can do after the day you've had is pay for some little snacks Y/N." Mad refused.

"Are you sure?" You questioned and they nodded, handing you your bag.

"Do you have a blanket or something light that I can cover Oakley's head with so the camera flashes don't get near her eyes?" You asked and they handed you her mini sunglasses and her favourite blanket. It was slightly awkward for you arms as you could only carry her with one of them but you managed to do it, and Kyler did the same with Taytum.

"Let's do this." You mumbled, walking fast out of the store and to the hotel. A lot of paparazzi headed in your direction but you ignored them. Once you made it back to the hotel, the only people left from where you were sat before was your brother and Aspen. You took the sunglasses and blanket off of Oakley and headed over to them.

"She's so cute." Aspen admired the gorgeous baby in your arms. You reached for the boarding passes for the Caribbean.

"I want you two to go on what was supposed to be the honeymoon." You told them, handing them over to Mitchell.

"We can't accept this Y/N." Mitchell told you and you rolled your eyes.

"Stop being stubborn and go. You both are gaining feelings for each other so celebrate it in the Caribbean okay?" You grinned.

"Thankyou so much." Aspen side-hugged considering Oakley had fallen asleep with her head rested on your shoulder. You followed Kyler and Mad back to their room and placed Oakley in her provided crib.

"We love you Y/N, don't be a stranger. And if you need us, you know where we are." Mad spoke seriously. You nodded and hugged them both before heading back to yours and Christina's room.

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