Chapter 37 - I Will Never Stop Loving You

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You sat at the top of the table, in clear view of everyone. More guests showed up like your British cousins, auntie and uncle. To your left sat Jack and to your right sat Jacks grandmother.

"Everyone, I'd like to propose a toast." Kristin stood up with her glass of wine, all eyes on her.

"I am blessed that Y/N will be in my family through a legal document and through the amount of love that our family has for her." She raised her glass.

"And here's to the soon-to-be newlyweds." Everyone cheered, clinking their glasses. Jack leaned over to kiss you. It was getting quite hot in the restaurant but when Christina had gone to the bathroom, she told you they had air conditioning.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." You told Jack, he nodded and you headed off. While you walked towards the toilets, you had to pass by the entrance of the building and you knew you should've kept walking.

"What in the gods name are you doing here?" You snapped.

"I'm not gonna just sit on my tour bus, almost breaking down, because the guy you're marrying isn't me." Shawn grabbed your hand and took you outside.

"For your information, I've known that guy all of my life and I've been with him for a very long time. Shawn, I've met you once, you're going all psycho on me, as for you dragging me out here, I'll have you know, I'm trying to celebrate with my friends and family, so just leave me alone." You walked away, only go be pulled back.

"I don't think I can let you marry him." He said with gritted teeth, thank god your security guard just so happened to be walking in your direction.

"Is there a problem here miss?" He asked you and you nodded.

"Get him out of my sight, and make sure he's no where near my wedding." You threw your hands in the air and rushed back to your chair.

"What's wrong babe?" Jack asked, interlocking his hand with yours.

"Not to concern you, but Shawns here." You breathed out and Jack nearly screamed.

"What did he say to you?" Jack tried not to shout because of he didn't want everyone else to be concerned.

"That I'm marrying the wrong guy." You must've said that louder than what you thought because all eyes averted to you.

"I knew you were using him Y/N! You're just gonna tell him three days before the fucking wedding that you're marrying the wrong guy? You're meant to be family, fuck you!" Sydnie shouted, storming out. Clearly that struck a nerve to everyone who had been eavesdropping and got what you were saying wrong.

"But I didn't meant it like-" You were cut off by Ava and Isla running after their older sister, who had stopped at the other end of the table.

"She really thinks I'm using you." You whispered, running out of the restaurant.

"I cannot believe this." Jack sighed and stood up.

"Y/N never said she was marrying the wrong guy, it's what Shawn told her considering he's planning on declaring his love for Y/N at the wedding and ruining everything." Jack declared, you heard the majority of it before you were out of sight. Sydnie stood with a blank look on her face, while everyone began glaring at her. You didn't exactly know where you were going, so you just thought it'd be easier to go to the beach you had been at all day.

"Y/N?" A voice called out, well multiple voices called out because everyone was looking for you. You didn't dare move or say a word back, hiding behind a rock was the best place to be hidden.

"She's not here guys." What sounded like Myta telling everyone.

"We'll check down the beach." You heard Anthony announce to everyone. Suddenly it got quiet and then an iPhone flashlight hovered over you and there you saw Jake, Anthony and Chance.

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