Chapter 40 - Sun, Heat and Swimming

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It progressively got hotter throughout the day and although you were sunburnt it was way better then there being rain on your birthday.

"Y/N will you come swimming with us?" Isla rushed over to you with Reese and you nodded, taking off your cardigan, grabbing both of their hands and going towards the water. A hand let go of you and it was Reese.

"What's wrong?" You asked, bending down to her height.

"I can't swim." Her head tilted down.

"Why don't I carry you so you don't have to swim?" You suggested and then she was smiling again. The water touched your lower ribs. Isla was swimming around with one of the inflatables you had purchased.

"Are you sure you don't want to and play on one of those?" You asked her, pointing over to the shallow bit where Isla was.

"I guess so, but can you take me back over there?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I will." You took her back with Isla, and even though she was having fun, a frown still appeared on her face.

"I'm so sorry Isla." You whispered so she couldn't hear you. You know the whole situation had upset her and seeing her sad made you feel a lot worse. To make situations worse, when you looked over at everyone, Jack was laughing with another girl, one you had yet to be introduced to.

"No one will ever compare to you, you know that right Y/N?" Your grandma said from behind you. She grabbed your hand and you walked out a bit deeper to sea, also keeping an eye on Isla and Reese.

"Whose that girl?" You asked her, knowing she was the one for gossip.

"Your lovely friend Jake told me that the girl he's getting touchy feely with goes by the name of Audree, you went to high school with her and Jack." She told you, it took you a minute to remember anyone called Audree, and then it hit you.

"She used to be the kindest girl Mar. She ended up getting pregnant when she was sixteen and her boyfriend sadly passed away. Oh my gosh she looks so different." You were shocked to say the least, but if he was to go for anyone, you were glad it was her.

"You're okay with this yeah?" She asked you and you nodded.

"We're not together anymore. There's a million girls that want him, I'm just not one of those million girls anymore." You shrugged your shoulders. Although she was getting sicker and weaker, your grandma still rocked her beach attire and her usual personality was still there.

"What else did you say to Kristin?" You questioned, knowing they had talked more.

"Only what she needed telling." Your grandma kept her private conversations to herself and you respected that.

"Look at your brother, hopelessly falling in love." She continued. He had his arm wrapped around Aspens shoulder.

"I'm glad he's falling in love." You laughed.

"For someone who hated that girl a few months back, you seem glad about this whole romance." She told you.

"We overcame our differences and I wouldn't say hate, just merely despised her." You admitted.

"Like I've told you a thousand times, it's your life, you chose who you want in it. Now I'm getting sunburnt just standing here so I'm going to go back over there with everyone and talk to them handsome boys. Happy birthday sweetheart." She kissed your forehead and headed out of the water. She stuck to her word and began talking to all of the guys. Seeing Taytum and Oakley in the cute baby bikinis, have you ultra baby fever.

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