Chapter 10 - Confusing

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Jack brought up everything. The way he felt, the way he should've treated you, the way he should've respected and cared for you like a proper boyfriend. You just didn't know if you were all that convinced.

"Jack Robert Avery, what am I gonna do with you?" You whispered, his eyes connecting with yours. He reached over and laced his hands with yours.

"Bubby, please." He used the nickname that his sisters and mom had always called you. It made you teary-eyes but you kept it together.

"You've has so many chances to prove yourself Jack, why didn't you?" You asked.

"Because I'm stupid. I need to grow up, I need to get out of this bubble. You are my priority. You are my everything Y/N, you always have been and you always will be." Jack carried on.

"And I take it you now want me to decide what happens with us?" You pointed between the two of you. He glumly nodded his head.

"You know, when we were younger, my nana used to tell me this one thing over and over again." You told Jack, he looked up at you again.

"She used to say, 'if a boy fights for you, it's proves he's not a boy, he's a man' You smiled at each other.

"So what does that mean?" Jack sighed.

"It means, if you dare break me again Jack, I'm moving and never coming back. And this, is done forever." You didn't even get to finish. Jack stood up, gently pulled you up and kissed you in front of everyone. It had been forever. He pulled back and his forehead was against yours.

"Breaking you isn't even on my mind. You are my everything." A cough interrupted you from what you were doing and both of you turned and saw it was Zach and Christina.

"Sorry to interrupt you too, but we're kinda sorta waiting on you." Christina smirked. Zach didn't say anything, probably because he still felt awkward. They both walked ahead, and you and Jack followed.

"How would you feel, if we went back to Pennsylvania?" Jack asked. A huge smile covered your face.

"I would feel pretty good." 

"Well that's a good thing because we leave tomorrow." He rushed out. Your eyes widened, realizing you barely had time to pack the essentials, let alone tell everyone else that you were leaving.

"Don't look so panicked babe. Everyone knows, I told them. I've booked and paid for the flights, and our flight is at two in the morning, so we need to be there for about twelve tonight. We go for five days and then fly back which means you still get two weeks with Christina before she flies back to New York." Jack smiled. It felt as though a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders.

"I'm surprised you planned this out quite well. How did you know if we were even going to be on good terms again?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your mind would've changed if it wasn't just me who wanted to go back home. My mom face-timed earlier with Ava and Isla, and they both miss you so much. They haven't seen me in like two months but they haven't see you in four so they're really excited." You adored Jacks family just as much as they adored you. Eventually, you got back to the van, this time there were no fans.

"Took you two long enough, we sent a search party looking for you." Tyler tutted.

"You sent Christina and Zach, calm down Tyler." You laughed, putting your seat-belt on. 

"Corbyn owes me a hundred dollars." Christina told you. She was sat behind you, so you could just about turn your head enough to see her through the gaps of the seats.

"And why's that exactly?" Corbyn let out a sigh.

"I told him that you two would be back together." She smirked. Corbyn got his wallet out and handed her over the money. 

"Thanks for betting on our relationship." You poked your tongue out. 

"Heads up Y/N, you're gonna need to vlog soon, you can't leave your fans waiting, especially when you're supposed to post daily." Christina scolded so you got out your camera and started vlogging everyone.

"Happy now Christina?" She playfully rolled her eyes and you shut the recording off.

"We have to be at the airport in a few hours, and I haven't even packed." You rested your head on Jack's shoulder.

"We'll get it done, don't worry." Jack kissed your head. Eventually, you pulled back into the driveway of the house and hopped out one by one. Jonah stormed off first, and you frowned. It clearly hurt him more then it hurt you and you felt terrible.

"It's my fault he's so down." You sighed.

"I'll go talk to him, he'll be okay." Daniel reassured you as he ran after him. 

"How did all of that just happen in less than twenty-four hours?" You asked yourself. There was not a lot of unwanted awkwardness and you were just praying it would cool over while you and Jack weren't there. You grabbed your suitcase and took everything out that you didn't want to take and kept in the things you did want to take.

"Remember to get me a magnet Y/N." Christina came and sat on the couch, you nodded handing her the bag of souvenirs you got for the girls at the dorm.

"It's the least I can do, considering I haven't even told them that I'm not gonna be coming back. Tell them to share everything out." You told her. 

"They'll understand, don't worry." She smiled. 

"This whole situation is just confusing. It's all going so fast Christina, sometimes I swear it's all gonna be gone in a blink of an eye." You told her, zipping your luggage back up.

"Why's that?" She asked. You sat down next to her and crossed your legs.

"I just don't think I'm used to living this life. It's quite overwhelming sometimes." You admitted.

"It's definitely not easy, but just think about everything you have now, compared to ten years ago. The only way is up." She told you.

"I agree Christina. I've printed our flight tickets, we're ready to go." Jack said with a grin while coming down the stairs.

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