Chapter 8 - What The Hell Jonah?

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It wasn't that you didn't like the song, it was that it was aimed at you, and the fans would clearly see that. Plus, it made you fairly emotional because the words just tore your heart. You couldn't run outside because you knew the fans would ask questions and that's the last thing you want.

"Are you okay there miss?" The receptionist asked as you slowed down.

"I'll be fine thanks, is there a vending machine around?" She nodded.

"On the left just before the bathrooms." You thanked her and continued. It wouldn't be long until one of them came to find you so you paid for some skittles with loose change and sat down in one of the comfy chairs back at the reception. The door burst open and you were right.

"What was that about?" Tyler asked taking a seat opposite you.

"I needed fresh air." You lied.

"So why aren't you outside?" He raised his eyebrows and you let out a sigh.

"That Song is about me Tyler. Jack and I aren't together anymore." Tyler started laughing thinking it was just a joke, but stopped when he realized you were being serious.

"You're not kidding?" He questioned. Your eyes averted to the fans you could see trying to look through the window but they were blacked out so you could only see them.

"I wouldn't joke about that kind of thing. Oh and I'm no longer a student at FIT university." Tyler choked on air with wide eyes.

"Why the hell not? That was your dream Y/N!" He shook his head.

"I did it because I thought it was the right thing and I still do think it's the right thing. Only time will tell." 

"You did it for Jack." He corrected you. You didn't say a word but just ate your skittles, you threw the empty packet away and started heading towards the studio again.

"Are you sure you wanna come back in there?" Tyler caught up to you.

"I mean, I can't keep running away." You sighed, he nodded giving you a side hug. When you walked through the studio, Jonah was in the booth and the others were on their phones.

"I'm sorry if I upset you." Jack scratched the back of his head.

"I've heard them words a lot recently." You didn't even look at him. Christina ushered you over to sit with her on the leather couch.

"Corbyn said we can get in the minivan and it will take us to the grove to go shopping and get some food if you want too?" She asked.

"That sounds like great." You laughed, already getting agitated being in the same room as Jack. You looked over at him and like many times before, he was shooting Jonah a nasty glare. Zach looked at you guiltily as if to say he knew what was going on but you didn't push the situation any further.

"Knock it off Jack, for crying out loud!" Daniel shouted at him.

"He was staring at me first!" Jack defended himself. 

"Whatever issues you have, sort them out. At this rate, there wont be a band." Corbyn complained.

"Yeah." Zach mumbled, it was a convincing 'yeah' though.

"Is there something that needs to be mentioned here? Because it's hella awkward, and you're acting suspicious." Daniel pointed a finger at Zach, who gulped. 

"Yeah, wanna address the issue Zach?" Jack started getting angry. Jonah was stood in the booth with his head hung low. You, Christina, Corbyn, Daniel and Tyler were just as confused as each other. 

"Bro I swear to god." Jonah threatened but Zach cut him off.

"They have beef because they're both in love with you, okay? There I freaking said it, now leave me alone!" Zach shouted storming out of the room. Your eyes widened while Jack tried to get to Jonah with clenched fists.

"JACK NO!" You screeched pulling him away.

"All of you get out of here, I need to talk to these two, on my own." You stated, nobody said anything, but left you to your own devices.

"Right, Jonah stay in there, and Jack sit your goddamn ass down." They both listened. 

"Jonah, look I love you, but not in the way you love me. I can't believe you'd think that I could ever agree to a relationship with you like that. Our friendship is strictly a friendship. I'm sorry that you want me in that way, but you just can't have me. I was dating your best friend, who is meant to be your brother." You sighed, he nodded looking more heartbroken as ever. Jack had a smug grin on his face and you wanted to smack him there and then.

"Wipe that grin off your face Avery, what you've done and what you're doing is nothing compared to him." Jack hated it when you called him by his surname, you only ever did it regularly and that was when you two were in a bad state. 

"You were about to punch him! How dare you? How do you think the fans would feel? No, how do you think everyone would feel? Believe it or not, so many people adore you guys, I don't think it would be a funny situation when Jonah has a beaten up face. You've never been violent and you've never been so horrible, sort yourself at Jack! No wander this relationship never worked out, now both of you just get out of my sight and apologize to each-other." You groaned, they nodded and headed out. You waited two minutes before leaving yourself.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything Y/N." Zach sighed as you walked over to where the others were. 

"Okay." You weren't in the mood for anything else to happen now. You were the first one out of the building and you took photos with all the fans that didn't get ones previously and then you hopped into the minivan.

"Where am I driving to madame?" The driver asked.

"The grove." You told him, he nodded whilst everyone else piled up in the minivan. Jack went to sit with you again, but you stood up on the seat and climbed to the back row, sitting in between Daniel and Tyler.

"You had the nerve." 

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