Chapter 21 - Arrested

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The day went by slowly, and the majority of it you were spending on your tan while the others were in the pool. Jack, Jonah and Corbyn had gone out, that was hours ago though. Christina's friend wanted to spend time with her before she had to leave, so she decided to stay at her house for the night. You were resting on the sun-lounger in your bikini.

"You could be a professional diver Zach." You laughed, watching his terrible attempts of getting into the pool.

"I appreciate the sarcasm." He poked his tongue out. Despite the sun beginning to set, you were all just chilling. The three boys who hadn't been back since noon, didn't call or text you which made you slightly worried.

"Why the long face Y/N?" Daniel asked, wrapping a towel around him.

"My anxiety is kicking in Dani, they haven't been in contact all day." You told him.

"They'll be okay, just focus on the amazing day we're gonna have tomorrow. They are adults as scary as it sounds, it'll be fine." He reassured you. You nodded and put your shorts and tank top on as the breeze started going through the backyard.

"You can't stay in the pool all day." Tyler groaned at Zach.

"Give me ten and I'll be in." He continued his laps around the pool. Being the lovely house-guest that you were, decided to make the guys some food, starting with nachos and then cooking a selection of chicken.

"Y/N made nachos!" Zach screamed to his phone while he recorded what you had prepared. You grinned letting him get what he wanted to eat. While everyone was eating, your phone started ringing.

"Hello is this Miss Y/N Y/L/N?" A husky voice asked through the phone.

"I don't know, whose calling?" You asked, making faces at the boys, ushering for them to turn the music down and be quiet.

"This is Officer Bridbury from LAPD, I've got a couple of your friends down here in a cell." He told you, and you dropped the drink that was in your hand.

"Come again?" You coughed.

"Unless I'm mistaken, are you Miss Y/N Y/L/N?" He asked again.

"Yes, this is she. Who exactly have you arrested? And why have they been arrested?" You asked again, this time it was Zachs turn to drop something, his plate of nachos fell on the floor while the other two ad their mouths agape.

"We have a Jack Avery, a Jonah Marais and a Corbyn Besson. I'm afraid to tell you they have been arrested for anti-social behavior while drinking under-age at a house in Beverly Hills." He continued, you were getting angry.

"Did they tell you to call me?" You had gritted teeth.

"Yes m'am. Now your decision is too either let this get filed and reported as a crime, where the boys will have to go to court or you can pay their bail and they will be let off with a warning and without a criminal record." The officer informed you.

"How much is their bail exactly?" You huffed, getting your purse at the ready.

"One thousand five hundred dollars." Your eyes widened, knowing you'd have to stop off at an ATM somewhere.

"I understand your anger miss, however, there will also be a letter sent out to each of the individuals in which they have to pay a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars each because of the issues they have been involved in." He warned you.

"Thank-you sir, I'll make sure they are aware of what they have done. I'll be in there in twenty." You huffed, hanging the phone up.

"I'm gonna kill them." You screeched, grabbing your purse and keys while running out of the door. The nearest cash machine was at the local gas station so after you had done that, you drove to the station and headed in.

"I'm here to bail out three idiots." You sighed in frustration, the women gave you a sympathetic look as she took the money.

"Sir, there is a young lady here, bailing out those three boys you brought in earlier." She said through her walkie-talkie. A loud buzz came echoed through the empty halls of the prison and the three ashamed faces came walking through.

"I appreciate you for coming to get them, we've fed them some food so they have sobered up. Many apologies for what you've gone through." The guard shook your hand and you walked ahead of the boys. They all sat in the back.

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" You shouted, they knew not to answer you.

"Your band is just getting started and you want to ruin it? Don't forget to mention you have two other members who are extremely disappointed and actually take this career seriously." You went on.

"We do take this seriously." Jonah whispered.

"Don't you dare! I'll have you know that when you chose to live the celebrity life, underage drinking and antisocial behavior is not what your goddamn fans want, let alone everyone else. You do realize David probably knows by now." You slammed your hands on the steering wheel.

"You told him!?" Jack got slightly furious.

"NO! I didn't for your information. But I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel or Zach did. I don't think you realize how stupid you must be! You can only hope that no fans or any paparazzi saw you tonight. Corbyn you haven't said anything, how are you gonna tell Christina?" You questioned him.

"Fuck." He muttered, clearly forgetting she was still here for another couple of days.

"Yeah, fuck. And you're gonna tell her before we leave. I cannot believe you three. This isn't even the half of what you're gonna get from the other boys, let alone David." You sighed, pulling into the driveway. Zach, Daniel and Tyler were stood at the front door.

"I hope you realize what you've done." Tyler stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Bro..." Jonah started off.

"No Jonah, you three thought Y/N ranting at you was bad, whoever you partied with, leaked videos of you guys. Our band is fucked, and it's because you couldn't be mature for at least a day in your lives." Daniels voice cracked. Zach showed the videos to you and the boys, and you were disgusted.

"I hope your happy." Zach looked like he was about to cry, and headed back into the house. Jack, Jonah and Corbyn stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Count this band over, for all we know, this could be your last night in this house." Tyler's jaw clenched and he went to go and check on the others.

"We are stupid." Corbyn whispered.

"Glad you figured that one out on your own. I think its best you three don't talk to anyone in this house." You ran your fingers through your hair as the cool air conditioning hit you in the face. 

"This was meant to be our dream." Daniel was leaning against the wall, while Zach was sat on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"Come here boys." You whispered to them. They both came over and you had a group hug. Was this the end of Why Don't We?

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