Piper and Jason

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Jason's POV

I messed up.Big time.

I up the stairs to Piper and mines bedroom and quickly opened the door to see Piper sitting on the the side of the king-sized bed.She had her head in her hands and was crying uncontrollably,of course she'd be crying I just ruined our relationship.

I walked towards her and sat beside her.She looked at me with red puffy eyes and shuffled away from me. "Leave me alone Jason" she said sobbing as she looked away from me.

My heart shattered immediately, the pain in her voice made my heart ache.I regretted doing it,so,so much.

"Piper I can't" I said "I need explain-"

Piper stood up and looked at me,her eyes reflecting her emotions:Sadness and anger fused together with pain. "What do you have to explain?" She said holding back a sob "I saw everything,the texts,the signs,everything!There's nothing you need to explain Jason!You cheated on me with Reyna!" She said angrily before busting into tears again.

I stood up and held her hand "Don't touch me" she said upset as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"I won't go near her again" I say.I was desperate, I needed her,I couldn't live without her.I couldn't go through that pain"We could start again and-"

"Jason" her voice was suddenly softer,as if her emotions where battling inside her,as if she couldn't decide the best way to approach the situation,with anger or calmness.She looked up at me and smiled slightly before looking at the floor again "I want to start again too,I really do,but we-I can't." Piper admitted.

I walked closer to her and tried to hold her hand again "Why not?We can get help,find another option-" 

Piper took a step back as a tear ran down her eye "I can't because I can't trust you" she said.

My eyes widened slightly.My eyes brimed with tears,it was like I had a dagger through my heart.

I can't trust you.

It replayed over and over through my head,it couldn't tell if it was true or not.

I cant trust you.

Piper noticed that I had suddenly slipped into shock. "Jason?" She said.She grabbed my shoulder and shook it slightly.I blinked and looked at Piper."Maybe there's hope" she said.

"H-hope?" I said happy and shocked,it felt like I had fallen into shock again.There's hope.Maybe I could get her back.Maybe I could stop her from leaving.Maybe,hopefully the fates would be on my side for once.

"Yeah"she smiled.

I realised she hadn't let go of my hand. "How can I make it up to you?I'm not going to lose you!" I said determined.

Her face fell into sadness yet again."I need to think about it,Everything.I'm saying I need some space and time to think.I don't know how long or how-but when I have my answer I'll talk to you.That's our only hope."Piper said.

I squeezed her hand "That's okay.I'll wait for you,If it takes months or years I'll wait for your answer and until then, I'll be at your side no matter what" I promised her.

Piper smiled. "Thanks Jason"she thanked.She looked at the door and startedbwalking away.However,before she could leave the room I kissed her on the lips.She put her arms around my neck and we stayed like that for a few moments."Remember,I'll wait to you" I told her.

"I know" she said before walking away.

I stood in our bedroom,not sad or angry but determined.I will get her again.I suddenly felt something in my plam.I opened my hand to see one thing.

Pipers wedding ring.


I know this one is a bit sad but my next chapter will be a happier Jiper moment so you have that to enjoy.

Also who is your favorite ship.Mine is ether Solangelo or Caleo

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