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He didn't want to do this,not at all.

Luke was next to Thalias tree,he had his hands in his pocket and wore a red top,jeans and trainers.His blue eyes looked at Thalias tree,sadness,anger and regret reflected across his face.

He had to do it;it was apart of his plan.He'd help them if he did.He would die of he didn't.

Luke didn't know what to do;he encouraged himself to do it nights before,made sure he wouldn't back down,but know,right in front of her tree,he couldn't do it.

He already regretted so much,betraying the camp,joining Kronos and leaving Annabeth.

Luke frowned at her name.She was only twelve when he left her alone at camp,he was like-was an older brother to her.He'd known her for almost six years,they laughed and fought together,they where practically family.It had been almost a year since Luke left,she was 13 now,she had grown so much.He wondered if she'd ever forgive him.

Luke looked at Thalias Tree- she was a younger sister to him.They knew each other when he was 13.Luke sighed again,he wouldn't have hated Zues so much if he hadn't turned his own daughter into a tree.Luke knew Annabeth blamed herself for that,but it wasn't her fault,it was his.He should of protected his family,but he teared it apart,leaving Annabeth to suffer.

The blond sighed as he looked around him,he had to be quick,he couldn't let anyone see him."Hey Thalia.I haven't talked to you for a while.How's it like being a tree?Wished you could answer,it'd be nice to have a friend who is a tree." Luke joked with a genuine smile.

Soon the smile tuned into a glare "Is it tiring to look after this camp?" He asked "Because it is now" he said.Out of his pocket was a small box.He opened the box to reveal a green powerish substance,He took some in his hand and sprinkled it around the tree.

He looked at the tree again "Sorry I had to do this Thalia,but someone has to destroy the camp and all those demigods-apart from Annabeth-she deserves a nice fate.Anyways,I have to go help Kronos" Luke smiled he then walked out of the camp with a smug smile on his face.


I know this is bad!I'm sooorrrrryyy

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