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"Mis McLean!Miss McLean!Are you going to carry on in your father's footsteps?" A reporter asked.

"Are you going to be an actor? Or a model?" Another asked.

"Have you been seeing a mystery guy?" 

Piper felt as she was being attacked with questions,why did so many people want to know about her life?Oh wait,her dad was an A List superstar and she was his daughter,it was bound to happen.

Piper put on a fake smile for the cameras,she was just here to see her dads last movie premier, The Orient Express, before retirement.She never usually went to his movie premiers because she hated the spotlight,but since it was his last time in front of the camera,Piper decided to watch it with him.

And this had to happen.

She just wanted to watch a movie with her dad but of course the paparazzi found out Piper was here,and the paparazzi being gossip reporters,they completely charged at Piper,demanding juciy gossip for there magazines.Apparently,Piper staying off the grip for last six years was an excuse for them to be so nosey towards her.

Piper looked next to her to see her dad,he wore a simple black suit with a black tie.Piper had decided to wear a red sleeveless dress that reached her ankles.Her hair was just curled by the ends.Piper would've of just wore a shirt and jeans but Drew and her cabinmates insisted to water something fancy for the occasion.

Her dad smiled at her encouragingly. Piper glanced back at the reporters and was attacked by flashing lights.Why couldn't they just use normal cameras instead of ones that blinded people instead?

"Piper! Where have you been for the last six years?!" A reporter asked demandingly. 

"Well I've been going to school,getting educated and hanging with my friends,the usual." Piper answered.

"We've never seen you so nicely dressed before!" A female reporter said.

"I was going to where the usual but Drew insisted on something wearing something nice."

"What have you graduated on?"

"Mathematics,P.E and Geography." 

"Are you going to be a model?"

"No.I've decided to be a Geographic designer" 

The reporters looked at Piper confused "A what?Why?" One said disgusted.

Mr McLean looked at Piper nervoulsy,Piper shrugged "Why not?I don't need my dads fame to land me a job.The spotlights isn't for me." Sha answered truthfully.

The reporters writer things on the note pads,some smiled whilst others where mad.

Piper began walking away until a reporter screamed her name "MISS MCLEAN!!ARE YOU DATING SOMEOND?!?!"

Piper looked the reporter and laughed "Yeah,a guy named Jason Grace.Three years strong" she said proudfully before making her exit.The whold group of reporters saueled with delights,following many questions.


Let me tell you something:If you think Piper is gonna go into Hollywood when she's older,your wrong,she's made it clear it ain't on her to do list.Hope you enjoyed.

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