Jason and Piper

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"Piper come back!" Jason said as he chased his girlfriend.

Piper ran faster through the fields of Camp Half-Blood "Have to catch me first!" She laughed.

Jason raised an eyebrow,intrigued "Is that a challenge?" He asked.

Piper laughed "Only for you slow coach!" She retorted jokingly before speeding off.

Jason laughed to himself before going after her.

A few minutes later,Piper found herself at Thalias Tree.She took a deep breaths as she looked around her,Jason wasn't near.She smiled to herself-she one the challenge.She sat beside the tree 'How long will it take Jason to find me?' She wondered to herself.

She then got tackled to the floor by Jason.

"Jason stop!" She said shocked before busting into fits of laughter.

Jason was laughing to "Got ya!Turns out I one the challenge,you probably thought you one,didn't you?" Jason asked

Piper sighed "Yeah I did.But I'll win next time!" Piper said.

Jason then turned dumbfounded "Next time?When's next time?" He asked confused before looking at Piper to see that she was gone.

Jason smiled "Sly aren't you?" He muttered to himself before standing up and running after her.

The two spent the rest of the day chasing after each other.


Hopefully you all liked that one,also please comment!

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