Percy and Annabeth

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"I don't want you to go." Annabeth said upset.She put her head on Percy's chest as the two of them watched the sunset.

 Percy sighed as he wrapped his hand around her "I know Wise girl...I don't want to leave too...but we know I have to." Percy loved the beach,the way the waves moved was memorising and the sunset was just a bonus. It was a perfect place for a romantic date for Annabeth and him,but it was for a farewell for Percy.

Annabeth looked at him,her grey eyes where cloudy "Don't be sad." She said softly before smiling "Your gonna have a sister!" She said excitedly.

Percy laughed slightly "I know,I'm excited too.I can't wait to see her; its just that I'm going to be away for a whole week. I'm going to miss you so much." 

"I'm going to miss you to Seaweed brain but I'll always be thinking about you." She promised.

Percy looked at her with wide eyes "You could come with and Paul won't mind,they'll love the company!" He said.

Annabeth looked at hkm ,she was making the face where she was deciding whether or not if this was a good idea.She then looked at Percy with a massive smile "I can come Percy!" She said happily.

Percy tackled her onto the sand with a hug,they both laughed with delight "Your not leaving me again Seaweed brain!" She promised.


⚠⚠Hope you guys liked it,I haven't done a Percabeth in a while...please comment,share and like!⚠⚠

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