The whole gang

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"Its disgusting!" Hazel wailed terrified.

"How can you like that?Who puts fruit in a pizza?!" Percy said confused.

Leo glared at Percy "Everyone puts vegtebles on pizza and no one even questions it!" He pointed out.

"But it tastes horrible!" Hazel exlamined.

"Actually,it isn't that bad" Reyna said casually as she read a fitness magazine.

Percy looked at Reyna shocked "You betrayed me!" He hissed.He then saw Reyna and Leo fist bump each other.

"WHAT PIZZAS ARE WE GETTING!?" Calypso shouted annoyed,she then looked at her phone apologetically "Sorry for the wait." She apologised.

Annabeth scribbled something on a note pad before looking at Calypso "2 pineapple pizza,4 vegetarian pizzas,3 pepperoni and 6 extra beef pizzas" Annabeth answered.

"We don't have that much money." Frank pointed out concerningly.

Annabeth shrugged "I'll just convert some drachma into American dollars." She explained.

"You can do that?"

"Carzy isn't it?"

"We want 15 pizzas with extra fries" Calypso ordered.She then glared at the phone "He hung up on me!"

Piper picked up a can of soda and gave it to Will "There drunk again." She sighed.The pair watched there boyfriends sing Queen songs on the kitchen table.

Will rolled his eyes "Can they not get drunk for one party?" He asked himself annoyed.

"Its cute" Piprer commented "Remember when they played the scene from Titanic?" She asked.

"Remember when they used each other as bowling balls?" Will asked.

"Yep,they where in a cast for a whole month." Piper laughed at the memory.

Will raised an eyebrow "How did they even get alcohol in here again?" Will asked.

Piper looked at the stair case where the Strolls where,painting Grover's nails and tying to put eye-shadow on him "The Strolls snuck it in." She said.

"I dont know if i should hate them or love them"

"Love them"


⚠⚠Sort of bad but hope you enjoyed!Please review!Nearly at 100 comments!Thanks⚠⚠

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