Nico and Frank

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"I don't know Nico actually likes me" Frank said nervously,as he fiddled with his fingers,Nico was coming over to him and Hazels house for the evening for catching up.

Hazel smiled slightly,she put the stick-lick pasta into the boiling water."Of course he does Frank!He gave you his belessing when you proposed to me,and anyway if he did hate you you'd be dead already" Hazel laughed slightly as she stirred the pasta.

Frank sighed. "He likes me with you Hazel but I doubt he likes me as a person,we only talk when he visits" Frank said 

"Frank,you always talk to Nico about that Mythology game." Hazel pointed out as she got some the pasta sauce beside her and drizzled it in to the pot.

"Thats the only thing though,I want to know Nico better!" Frank exlamined frustrated. "I'd talk to Mars and Ares kids but they always talk about blood and war and I hate those things!" Frank said.

Hazel smiled as she drained the pasta and turned around to look at Frank. "Well since he's visiting you can try to get to know him better,he should be in a good mood since I'm making pasta" Hazel explained "Now can you get the spices,I can't reach those cabinets" she asked.

Frank looked down at her and smiled "Of course" he said before pecking her on the lips.


Nico and Frank sat in silence,it wasn't a awkward silence,it was quite comftable,it was just Frank didn't know what to say to Nico,he couldn't think of one think to ask him about,let alone have the courage and it was obvious that Nico wasn't going to talk ether.

The silence was finally broken when Hazel entered the dining room with a plate of pasta with her "So Nico,I know you like pasta so I thought id make you some" Hazel smiled.That caused Nico ad Frank to smile too.

She put the pasta in front of Nico and sat next to Frank "Well try it!I worked my butt of to make it!" Hazel encouraged.

Nico took a bite and his reaction was priceless.Nico only showed emotion if he was mad or happy.He'd be happy around Will Solace and mad at the fact MCR broke up.But one bite of that pasta Nicos face showed many emotion,sickness,disgust and horror.

He didn't to hide it ether,he pushed the plate away from him and started swearing in many languages. "What the fuck is this?" He asks disgusted as he looked at Hazel with a glare.


Hazel was trying not to laugh "Its pasta!Is it really that bad?" She asked shocked.

"I'd rather wear a rainbow shirt in a middle of a parade then eat this shit!" He spat annoyed.

Hazel rolled her eyes "It can't be the worse" she said.

"But it is!" Nico protested "You've tried to add flavor but it completely backfired,everyone thinks Italian pasta must be extreme with a lot of pepper and sauce and paprika but its not!Its suppose to be balanced!Balanced!And your using spaghetti instead of crows bows pasta!And it hasn't been cooked proabaly!Its raw!Hazel I thought you where better then this!" Nico said.

He took a deep breath and calmed down "I might as well make it myself"  he huffed.

Thats where Frank found his chance,he could tell Nico took pasta very seriously,so if Frank could get Nico to teach him about pasta,they could be pasta buddies! "I can help Nico.You could tell me about pasta and show me how to make it so I can make sure Hazel disent screw it up again" Frank offered.

Nico nodded "Yeah okay,but we need to go to the store,you clearly don't have all the ingredients we need" Nico said before walking out of the house.

Frank looked at Hazel,shrugged,and quickly followed him after.

Thats how Nico and Frank became pasta buddies.

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