The Stoll brothers

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Today was a Friday,which meant it was a movie day,so Travis and Connor would go to the nearest movie store a steal a few movies so they could watch it back at camp.

They stole the movies for many reasons,firstly because movies where great and fun to watch.Secendly,they where one of the most popular items to sell in the Black Market of Camp Half-Blood (Yes the camp had a black market and it was all because of the Stolls if you where wondering) And finally movies where good for a perfect Stoll bonding night.

This week the Stoll's decided to watch the Harry Potter series,thanks to Annabeth,she had told them all about the books but they only decided to watch the movie because of the Weasley twins.

It was around ten o'clock and the two had just witnessed Fred's death,and Connor and Travis busted into tears and started hugging each other and saying "I LOVE YOU BRO!" to each other.

That's how Katie Gardiner found her boyfriend and decided to make blackmail material for the twins,the next day,the whole camp found out about the Stoll's crying and eventually was the reason how Chrion found about there Black Market bussiness.


Anyone a fan of Harry Potter?

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