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"She must be punished!" Zeus exlamined,smashing his fist on to his throne,causing a small shake in Olympus.

"I agree" Hera said "This Titan shall not leave here unpunished,she must pay for her actions." She agreed,she sent a cold glare at Calypso.

"Oh please"Athena said,rolling her eyes "That punishment of yours is unfair;isolating the girl from society,forcing her to fall in love with everyman she meets for the rest of enternity?" The Goddess of wisdom pointed out.

"Not to mention giving her immortality so she sufferes until the end of the world" Hephaestus grumbled annoyed.

Zeus narrowed his eyes "Silence" he demanded. Olympus soon quited down. "We shall keep the punishment,it is only fair,she helped the Titans in the war!" Zeus explained.

Hermes adjusted his golden helmet "Are you sure about this father?She only said she would assist.She never fought,sabatorged or anyhting.She did nothing wrong!" Hermes said "Its unfair!"

"You where just born like a few hundred years ago so I'd shut up if I where you." Apollo said "Anyway,she has to be punished,she joined the Titans still" 

"Not like she got much of a choice.Ether let her sister's die or fight for the enemy.It does seems like a clear choice." Dionysus said,eating a grape.

"She could of just let her sisters die.I hate the enemy,she decided to join the enemy so she's my enemy.I belive this punishment is fair-if you can even call it a punishment,she doesn't even suffer!" Ares complained,sharpening his swords.

"Trust me,this is the worst punishment you could imagine" Aphrodite promised "Being forced to love someone for the rest of your life and be heart broken for them to leave because they don't love you.I believe ist the worst punishment of them all" she explained.

"Being a made in my castle would be worse" Hades pointed out,clicking his knuckles. "I just want her to die,it doesn't matter how."

Artemis looked at Calypso before looking at the fellow Gods and Godess' "She has potential.She can work with me and the hunters.They will except her" Artemis said.

"Well she can not fall in love ether way." Poseidon said "She will still die in the hunters however" he added.

"No.She shall be sent to Ogiya as a prison and she shall say there." Zeus decided,grabbing his thunder bolt. "Now." He said,pointing it at Calypso.

Calypso was shaking,yet she looked at Zeus right in the eye "I hate you" she snarled.

Zeus narrowed his eyes.Hermes looked at Calypso safely "I am sorry." He apologised.

Zeus zapped Calypso and she disappeared,he then looked at Hermes angrily yet he spoke campy "You are young son,you do not know how things work around here yet.You will soon" he said before disappearing himself.

⚠⚠Hope you enjoyed,tell me what you want!⚠⚠

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