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Reyna punched the punching bag in front of her,locking her fist together and throwing it at full force towards the sac.The bag violently was knocked backwards for a secend before springing back towards Reyna,ready for round 2.

She let her anger out on the bag;punching it repeartildy.YOU.DONT.FALL.IN.LOVE.She chanted in her head over and over again.Each time,she felt stronger and angrier then before.

It was a good 15 minutes until Reyna decided her workout was done for the day.She did a sideways kick on the bag with so much force that it tobbled over and fell onto the wooden floor,making a loud thud.

Proud of herself,she put an ice cool towel around her neck,immediately she cooled down and sighed with relief,a small smile played on her lips;that felt great.She then glared at herself.DONT.SHOW.EMOTION.She scolded at herself.Reyna sighed again with misery.She picked up her water bottle and walked towards the nearest bench.

When she reached the bench's,she more likely collapsed on to it instead of sitting down instead.Gods,she was tired.Reyna quickly came to her sense's .DONT.SHOW.WEAKNESS.

Reyna wanted to scream;sometimes she hated being a leader.She was only human,not a God like her mother:she couldn't fight forever or always keep it together and make it seem as if everything was alright.She couldn't show emotions towards anyone or she'd be seen weak.She couldn't be fall in love or have a breakdown because she'll ruin her reputation.She couldn't do anything humanly.She had to only be brave and brutal in front of legions to keep Camp Jumpitar running.She had to run it all by fear and on her own.Everyone could only see the bad side of her,not the good-real side of her.

The Gods had it lucky,they could how much they want,live forever and they would always be feared apon,no matter what they did.They could destroy the world and start wars with a click of finger,and thats how they stayed in power.They ran the world by fear and it worked.The Gods couldnt care less if the world got destroyed because they have some where else to take over.They showed no remorse for anything,not for a cruel punishment,a race being exstinct or a planet destroyed because it didn't matter to them but for some many other people.That was how the Gods stayed in power,running it all by fear and it worked.They where written in history,yet she was not.

What she was trying to say that unlike the Gods she had limits;and she had just reached hers.She can not run it all by fear,the mental psychology that it did to her broke her down,bit by bit and she couldn't take it anymore.

She had reached her limit,and it was about to blow over sooner or later.

⚠⚠Hope you liked it guys!I haven't done a Reyna one yet!Tell me what you want because these one shots run by your requests!!Where nearly at 1K too so please share!Thanks!⚠⚠

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