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"Leo!" I screamed annoyed,slamming my book to a near by desk.What was is that boy thinking?He can't eat food in class! 

The whole class turned around to the back of the classroom,looking at the usual jokster Leo Valdez.Once again,he had caused mayhem in my lesson,one too many times.

Leo looked up from his desk,his Spanish book had crumbs all of it. "Yea?" He asked ruddly and surprised.

He got a few snickers out of some of his classmates.It wasn't even funny,it was rude.What child thinks they can eat in my class and and think they could get away with it...especially with such rudeness too?!He defiantly was getting a detention after school for his behavior.

I glared at the boy,of I could even call him that,with manners like his I questioned often if he was actually human. "Why are you eating in my class?" I asked mad.

Leo looked at me innocently "I didn't eat breakfast in the morning and I ran out of money to by food at school." He answered.I knew he was telling the truth but I also knew he was playing the dead mother card at me.It wasn't like that plan was going to work anyway,he was still going to get detention.

"I don't care." I spat "You do not eat in my lessons,especially my lessons.Do you think I go and teach my lessons so students like you can eat and ignore me?Of course not!" I exlamined.

"But I was really hungry-" 

"Enough!" I snapped "10 minutes detention after school." I decided.I turned around but with the back of my eye I saw Leo sigh in defeat,yet we both know this wasn't the end.


"I said no food in class!" I yelled,I turned around to the back of the classroom again to see Leo,this time slurping down a choclate milkshake.He hadn't even wrote anything in his Spanish book.

Leo took the straw out of his mouth and smiled slightly "You said no food,not drinks." He corrected.

"But I remember saying detention.And I'll say it again,you now have a 20 minute detention!" I retorted.

Leo's eyes widened slightly "I can't go to the detention" he said 

I raised an eyebrow "Why is that?" I asked.

Leo bit his lip before answering "I need to go to the gravesite,i need to talk to my mom." He reasonered."She died this day 8 years ago" 

Once again he played the dead mom card,I was sick and tired with it "Your going to the detention still.Like it or not,I don't care about your mom 's death at all.YOUR GOING TO THE DETENTION!" I decided.

Leo sighed and then glared at me. "Don't give me attitude boy,you have a Spanish test on Friday and if you do not pass I will put you in FLEX and give you an hour detention till you do good at Spanish.Until then however,I'd drop the attitude and get to work" I threatened.

Leo sighed again,and this time i was a real sigh of defeat.I knew I won that battle.


"What do you mean he did the best on the test?" I asked shocked.

Mr Rogers,the head of the Language department passed me back Leo's exam.On the top of the page a big 100% was written on it with red sharpie "I'm not shocked.Leo's a good student.He always did the best when I taught him last year" he explained.

"What?" I said confused "No.I think your wrong,Leo is the opposite,disturbs the lessons,dosent even do the work,how could he have passed?!" I exlamined.

Mr Rogers looked at me "You know he has Spanish descendants, he can speak fluent Spanish easily." He explained.I was pretty sure my jaw fell to the floor at that point.This was not fair.

"But you dont get it." I tried to explain "He eats in class since he's 'hungry' and pulls out an excuse to skip out on something since his moms dead.He is so disrespectful." I said.

Mr Rogers glared at me and snatched Leos test out of my hands "Or your just a bad teacher,I will be incoming the Director Of Year and learning about this." He said before storming off.

Screw you Leo Valdez.

⚠⚠Inspired by my spanish teacher⚠⚠

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