Percy and Annabeth

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"Two weeks?" Percy said shocked.He was outside the infirmary with Will Solace,Annabeth had broken her leg and had to be in a cast for two weeks,Percy could not let her be in a cast for two weeks.

"Yep,sorry Percy,but her leg needs to fully heal before she can be out of that cast." Will said as he scribbled some notes down on a clip board.

Percy was still shell shocked "But two weeks?!Can't you give her some ambrosia to speed up the process?" He asked,hoping for a yes.

"Sorry we can't do that,we gave her all the ambrosia thats sutible for her,if we give her anymore she'll vaporize." Will explained as he looked at his clip board.

"But Annabeth will be all alone!No one to talk to her or eat with,can't you let her go on walks at least?!" Percy begged.

"I can't do that ether Percy.She broke her leg pretty bad,it needs to heal probably or it'll be messed up forever" Will explained.He then looked at his watch "I have to go,got a date will Neeks.I'll check on Annabeth in two hours." Will promised.

He began walking away before looking at Percy "And do not go in the infirmary.Unless you got an injury,you better stay out or I'll break your ears with my singing" he said before walking to Nico.

Percy POV

I sighed as Will walked a way.Annabeth must be so lonely right now.She's probably reading a book.

'Yeah but I'm better then a book.I'm Persassy!' I thought.

I leaned beside the door of the infirmary until my eyes widen,I know how to get into the infirmary!

Jasons POV

I ran towards Will.

We need his help.

I ran towards Hades cabin and opened the door to see Will and Nico sitting on the floor with blankets and popcorn watching Batman.

The two looked at me annoyed. "What in Hades are you doing here?" Nick asked immediately pissed.

"We need Will" I panted "Something bad happened" I said.

Wills eyes widened slightly "What happened?" He asked.He then looked at Nico "Did you 'forget' to eat today?" He asked.

"What!No!" Nico said shocked and annoyed.

Before the two could brake into an argument I broke the news"Percy broke his wrist" I said.

Will looked at me annoyed "Oh my fucking Gods" Will muttered.

"Why you pissed for?" Nico said.

Will rolled his "I told him her wasn't allowed in the I firmary so you broke his stupid wrist so he so he can be with Annabeth" Will muttered. "Now I need to go to the infirmary and heal him" he said annoyed.

Will stood up and looked at Nico "I'll be back soon" he said before leaving the cabin and walking to the infirmary.I swear to Gods I heard him mutter that heal break Percy's wrist again when its healed.

Annabeths POV

"You actually did that?" I asked.Percy and I where next to each other on the stretchers.

"Yep." So I'm in the infirmary for two weeks now but I don't get any ambrosia for punishment from Will" Percy explained.I doubt he really cared.

"Yeah but when you get out Will and Nico are going to beat your ass for interrupting there date" I point out.

Percy payled slightly before shrugging "I deserve it,anyway I did it for love.Maybe they'll let me off for that" he said.

I laughed "I love you seaweed brain" 

"Love you too wise girl"

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