Jason and Nico are jealous Part 2

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"Can't believe I'm doing this..." Nico muttrered under his breath annoyed.

Jason elbowed Nico in the guts "I know...isn't it great?! We can end Piper and Wills relationship once and for all and take them for ourselves!" Jason said excitedly.He looked to the left of him and quickly put a newspaper article in front of is face "There coming!" He warned.

Nico sighed before doing the same,the two of them watched Will and Piper walking past the both of them,they had shopping bags in their hands and where talking and laughing.In all honesty,Nico got a sort of envy stir in his stomache,they looked as if they where having a really good time.Nico looked at Jason who was growling under his breath slightly.

Once Piper and Will where no where to be seen,Nico nudged Jason "So are we gonna follow them or what?" He asked.

"I saw them go into a designer fashion store...Primark I think." Jason explained.

Nico stood up "What are we waiting for?There's like 3 stories in that building,we're gonna lose them if we don't hurry up." Nico growled before running off.

Jason stood up "Oh now you're interested." He muttered to himself before running after him.


"Are you sure it was them?" Piper asked,still shocked of what Will said.

Will rolled his eyes "Of course it was! I literally saw Jason look at us and then elbow Nico to put a newspaper in front of his face! The two of them are spying on us!" Will explained.

Piper shook her head "Why would they be spying on is though?" She asked,she then picked up a grey leather bag "This looks nice..." She muttered.

"Jason clearly has a crush on you,Piper. He probably brang Nico with him to spy on you so he'd have someone to talk to about how great you are." Will guessed. He then picked a black leather bag with white designs on it and gave it to Piper "Girl this one is better and we both know it."

Piper blushed as she looked at the black bag " Jason only see's me as a friend Will...what probably happened was that Nico wanted to stalk you so he brang Jason to the mall to make him look less suspicious, you know he likes you." Piper said

Will glared at Piper "Nico isn't into boys remember? He was hugging Thalia yesterday." Will pointed out.

"Nico and Thalia are cousins and Thalia is into girls." She argued back "And Nico is gay,he use to have a crush on Percy." 

Wills eyes widened,Piper couldn't tell if it was because of shock or delight "What?! This is great!! He's mine!!!" He squeled as if he was apart of the Phandom. 

Piper looked around before looking at Will again "Do...do you think Jason likes me too?" She asked nervously.

Will rolled his eyes "Clearly,he talks about you ALL THE TIME and he's always staring at you!" Will said.

"A bit weird but I'll take your word for it." Piper said with a small smile.

Will laughed "For being a child of Aphrodite your like ten steps behind" Will joked.

Piper stifled a laugh "Its not like your good at being a child of Apollo but whatever." 

The blonde and the brunette began walking up to the cashier "So when are we asking them out again?" Piper asked.

Will looked at her shocked and almost scared. "W-What?!" He asked.

Piper pulled out two twenty dollars out of her bag before giving it to the cashier "It's clear that Nico and Jason are only going to tell us how we feel on our death bed,but we'll be dead by then,so we might as well ask them out instead so they can't stop being little chickens about it." She explained.

Will watched Piper take the leather bag back and walking away "I don't like this,your acting like Aphrodite." He said nervously.

Piper began walking do the staircase "Well she is my mom."

The blonde looked at the sky almost pleasingly "Just kill me already." He muttered before following Piper.

Jason took of his cashier hat and looked next to Nico who was also disguised as well. He couldn't tell if the Italian was happy or shocked,heck he couldn't decided what he was feeling at the moment.

Nico jumped over the counter and ran towards the staircase,he then turned behind him and glared at Jason "Whatbare you waiting for?" He demanded "A out-tro?" 

Jason threw his hat onto the ground "I'M COMING PIPER!!!" He screamed before joining the fellow demigod.

⚠⚠⚠Please comment if you liked it,pt 3 is coming soon!⚠⚠⚠

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