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Imagine if there was a fanfic where Leo was running a hugging business in the middle of December in Camp Half-Blood. Like since he has a rare power that gives him fire powers he would really warm and huggable during the cold seasons.

He'd charge people like 5 drachma for a hug and it'd be a nice,loving hug that would give you chills since its that good. 

Loads of people at Camp would hug him just so they could stay warm and happy for a while,even Nico would hug him because his hugs would be so nice and warm.

But the real reason Leo would hug everyone was because he hated the winter since he could never play with his friends because the snow would melt in his hand so he'd share some love and kindness instead.

Someone please make this into a fanfic or something and send it to me.

⚠⚠⚠Some of you may be wondering where the Jason and Nico are jealous final part is and its going to be delayed because you guys really didn't seem to like it and I thought I'd finish it another day,anyway, please vote,comment and share.Like please comment I want to see what you guys think and want me to do.⚠⚠⚠

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