Hazel and Nico

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"Can I come in?" Nico asked.Knocking on the Hades cabin door lightly. "Will stole my keys!" He explained.The teen waited for a good moment till the door opened slightly,reveling Hazel.Her frizzy cinnamon hair was tied back in a last minute ponytail,Nico could tell since there small stands of hair covering her face.She wore a paint apron on fop of a purple T-shirt and jeans.Her apron was covered with paint splatters and so where her trainers.Her golden eyes where filled with happiness yet sadness.

"Sorry if I took a while,I just was in my own world." She apologised with an apologetic smile. "When I say that I mean I was painting." She said with a small laugh.

Nico smiled back at her,he never really smiled,only if he was with her or Will."I can tell.But can I come in?I need to get something." Nico asked.

Hazel smiled and nodded,she smiled so much it must of hurt her cheeks. "Sure.But there might be a bit of paint on the floor" she warned.

When Hazel entered the cabin,it looked as if she painted the floor except the canvas.It wasn't much but it surely looked like it,there where all sort of colours splattered on to the floors it gave Nico bit of a headache then anything else.

Hazel didnt seem to notice,she simply walked across the room near the windows where a wooden bench and canvas waited for her.She picked up the paint pad on the stool before sitting down and carding on her painting.

Once Nico picked up his book he walked being Hazle and examined the picture.It looked liked a forest with all the different types of greens painted on to the canvas.There was a black path going across it,Nico guessed it was a road.There was a sign on the painting too that said 'Welcome to New Orleans'.

"New Orleans" Nico said "That's what your painting" he guessed.

Hazel turned around,her once happy eyes showed something sad instead,not sadness...more like homesick. "New Orleans" Hazel repeated "The first thing that was home to me." She explained.

Nico nodded understandably "You miss it,don't you?" He asked.It was more of a rhetorical question but he didn't guess.

Hazel looked at Nico before looking away "Of course I miss it.I miss the school,the horse's,the gumbo soup.I miss everything about the place." She answered.

"I know the feeling about missing your first home,you miss your mom and I miss Bianca.But we have a new great home now." Nico explained.

Hazel nodded "I know,I love everyone here.You,my friends...Frank." Hazel said "But it never will be home.It'll never have the same feeling,you know?" Hazel asked.

"Yep." Nico agreed "But we're gonna be a here for a long time...it'll be home soon Hazel.I promise"



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