Frank,Leo,Jason and Percy

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Frank walked towards the Zues cabin,he needed to talk to Jason about improvement's on New Rome and Jason was in there,Frank didn't know why he was in there,probably doing architecture with Annaneth or talking to Percy or making out with Piper....ew,hopefully that wasn't the case Frank thought.

He opened the door to the cabin and instantly regretted it,Jason was in there but with two other people,shirtless.

Jason,Percy and Leo where standing next to each other shirtless and looking at each other abbs.

"What are you guys doing?!"Frank asked shocked and disgusted as horror spread across his face.

Leo saw Frank and his eyes widened as a blush spread across his face,the same happened to Jason and Percy."Its not what you think Frank!" Lek suddenly exlamimed embarrassed.

Frank raised an eyebrow suspiciously,but the disgust and shock still didn't wash over his face "Then what are you doing?" He asked 

"We wanted to see who was the fittest!" Percy said as he played around with his shirt.

Leo and Jason nodded "Yeah" Jason agreed "We wondered who was the fittest out of the three of us so we took our shirts off and checked" Jason explained.He then smiled "I'm proud to say its me too,Percy was close,but not close enough" he said proudly.

Percy glared at Jason."Well at least I didn't come last,unlike Leo" Percy muttered.

Leo narrowed his eyes "I can hear you!" He said annoyed,

"Wait," Frank said confused "When does Leo have muscles?" Frank asked confused.

Jason and Percy started laughing as Leo rolled his eyes "Ha ha,very funny Zhang,but making machines all day requires strength and energy." He said as made a pose that showed off his muscles.

"Don't you mean spray on six pack" Percy sniggered.

"Hey!" Leo shouted annoyed as he looked at his friends "I AM SEXY,I AM R RATED SEXY!!!" he screamed annoyed and proud.

"Anyway" Jason said rolling his eyes "Frank how much muscle do you have on you?" He asked curiously.

Frank blushed red as a tomato "How does this involve me again?" He asked 

"We just want to see who has the most muscles on them" Percy said casually,he sent Jason and Leo a look.The two smiled and played along.

"You know" Jason began "You don't have to show us your muscles" he said as he stretched his arms in the air.

"Yeah" Leo agreed "If you don't have any muscles,its okay,we understand" Leo said.

"But I do have muscles" Frank said.He was telling the truth,he did have muscles.

"Prove it then" Percy said "Or are you too chicken?" He said.

Frank sighed as he rolled his eyes "I will" he then took of his green shirt to reveal an eight-pack on his chest and muscles on his arms,he beat Jason by a long shot.

"Wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaatttttttttt?!?!?!?" Jason said gob-smacked as he stared at Franks chest in confusion.

"I win!" Frank said triumphantly.

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