Annabeth and Percy

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"PPPEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRCCCCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Annabeth screamed as tears ran down her face.She ran back towards the corner of the wall and clutched the wall as if her life depended on it.

Her siblings climbed on top of their bunck beds and armed themselves with nerf guns.They screamed and cried as they watched the spider crawl with its horrible legs.Travis put  a spider in the Athena cabin in revenge of them snacking out on him from a prank he did on Demeter's cabin last week.

The spider had now trapped Annabeth in the corner of the room and was slowly making her way to her,she had no weapons at all and screamed and cried for Percy to come.Her siblings tried to shoot the spider but kept missing the insect.

The spider was two feet away from Annabeth and she closed her eyes in fear.The door then slammed open to see Percy at the door holding riptide,ready to attack."Where's the monster?" He said,he then saw Annabeth wasn't there "Where's Annabeth!!?!?" He said scared and panicked.

Jake Mason pointed behind the door "Shes there!Hurry!The spiders coming for her!" He said scared.

Percy seemed to calm down after that.He casually opened the door to see Annabeth in the corner crying and a spider that was about to climb her foot.Percy knelt down and took the spider in his palm and threw it out of the door.He then closed the door and held Annabeths hand."The spiders gone Annabeth.You can open your eyes now." He said calmly.

Annaneths opened her eyes and looked around the room to see the spider was gone.She was still crying but jumped into Percy for a hug."Thanks Percy!" She cried.The whole cabin then cheered.

"How did the spider even get in here?" He asked confused.

Annabeths eyes narrowed slightly "Travis put it in my pillow case!" She said.

Percys face immediately showed murder as he looked through the window to see Travis walking on the field with Connor.Percy got up,kicked the door open and started screaming Travis' name."WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING PUTTING SPIDERS IN ANNABETHS PILLOW CASE YOU FUCKING TURD!COME BACK OVER HERE SO I CAN MURDER YOU ASS YOU RETARD!YOUR FUCKING RETARDED FOR HURTING ANNABETH!" Percy screamed to Travis who was running away in fear.

"IM SORRY!" Travis said scared as he ran into the forest.

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