Leo,Nico and Piper-Mortals

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Leo was in Music class with Mr Kempt,one of the music teachers.Today they where learning how to play the electric piano,without actually playing it.In Mr Kepmts music class,you learn how to sing and play instruments without actually playing with it.

Thats why Leo was on his phone,music was so boring and useless,he'd rather be doing languages and that was supposedly be more boring.

The Latino boy sat next to Piper and Nico,they where at the back of the classroom,suggested by Nico,on there phone instead of actually doing the work.Music was a hard lesson for them but for Kayla and Austin it was a breeze.

Nico was listening to FOb and MCR with his ear phones on as he read things off the Whisper app.Piper was playing CrossyRoad because shenhad nothing better to do with her life.

Meanwhile Leo was on Instagram looking at what was trending.Suddenly his phone beeped and said 'You have got 10,000 followers' 

Leo gasped and smiled as he immediately stood up and held his phone in the air.Everyone looked back at him confused "I JUST GOT 10K FOLLOWERS!OMG THIS IS GREAT!" Leo exlamined.

Everyone clapped as Leo bowed happily,this was the best day ever,whilst the clapping died down Mr Kempt went to Leo. "Give me your phone Leo" he said calmly.

Leo gasped "What?!Why?!" He asked.

"No phones in class." 

"Well done smart ass" Nico said sarcastically.

Leo sighed and gave the teacher his phone.Leo sat in his chair "This is not fair" he said bitterly.

Piper laughed slightly and started texting someone.Leo guessed it was Jason,she probably wanted to tell him about Leos recent fail.

Instead,Leos phone made a 'buzz' noise.Everyone,incliding Me Kempt,looked at the phone confused.Piper was shivering and Nico was grinning on her.

Mr Kepmt read the notification it read "Fire face",the text was from beauty queen.

Mr Kepmt looked at it confused,he looked at Keo who was dumbfounded and carried on with the lesson.

Nico and Piper where sniggering and Leo finally figured out what was going on,they where texting  Leo on his phone,they totally would have been busted if Leo had written there names on his contacts,but Leo being Leo wrote 'Beauty queen' and 'Death Breath' instead.

Piper and Nico texted Leos phone all through out the lesson,all three of then laughing at the confused faces Mr Kempt would be making.


I know this was bad but i just wanted to finish it off quickly for you all since I suddenly had the motivation to finish "Runaways" for Maze runner.If you want to read it,go ahead!

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