The Olympians

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The Olympians where up at Olympus living there lives,Athena reading a book,Hermes stealing things of Dionysus,Artemis shooting monsters that walked the Earth,Poseidon cursing people who where littering the seas,Zues playing with his thunder bolts,Hera being the bitch she was,Aphrodite shipping Gods together,Ares starting rivalries between the minor gods,Hephaestus fiddling with wires in his hands,Apollo who was sining haikus and Hades who was playling around with his wedding ring.

Hades suddenly looked up at the Gods. "I've just realised something" he said.

Zues looked at him "What is it " he asked

"Probably something stupid like two extra people dies today then usual" Apollo sniggered as he put some earphones on and suddenly stared humming 'Shake it off'

"No" Hades growled.

"What is it then?I want to finish my book" Athena said

"No one fucking cares about your book Owl Breath" Poseidon said annoyed

Athena glared at Poseidon and an army of owls started attacking the Sea God,he eventually killed them all but had some poo on him.

"I just realised that in the only one here who actually loves there partner" Hades said.

Aphrodite,Zues and Poseidon blushed red.Hephaestus glared at Ares.

"I think you just started a war Hades" Hermes laughed with Apollo

"No shit sherlock" Dionysus said before snatching back his drachma of Hermes.

"What ever are you talking about?" Aphrodite asked.

"Well"Hades said before standing up "Zues cheats on Hera almost all the time,Poseidon cheats on his wife like it's a sport and Aphrodite and Ares get it on like the worlds gonna end if they don't" "If you love your partner,MARRY THEM,that's what your suppose to do,thats what I did with Persephone,BECAUSE I LOVE HER"

Hades sighed and sat down annoyed "People these days are fucking crazy" Hades muttered "Now if you don't mind,I'm going to to to Hazel and Nico" he said "And I might bring back Bianca for the day" he said before walking up.

There was a week long war with the Gods after that.Well it was Posedian,Zues and Aphrodirpte who where having war with there husbands and wife's while Hermas and Apollo watched laughing in the corner with popcorn.


I know this is bad

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