Percy and Annabeth

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"Percy.NO." Annabeth decided,looking Percy in the eye.

Percy was desprete "Please Annabeth....I swear nothing bad will happen" he said,holding her hand and squezzing it."Promise"

Annabeth raised an eyebrow "You said that last time Percy...and you got yourself wanted by the Chinese police! They let you off the hook but now you can't visit China!You could of got arrested,how could I trust you in Australia?With Leo too!?" Annabeth apointed out.

Percy held Annabeth's hand "You know that wasn't my fault...Nico was the one who decided to punch the police guard in the face!" He explained.

Annabeth glared at Percy "And who's idea was it sneak into North Korea so they can stay 'Off the grid?'" Annabeth asked sarcastically "It was you!"

Percy smirked slightly "Actually it was Jason's idea,I just went with the flow." Percy said.

Annabeth's glear only narrowed.Percy kept the grin on his face however. "What I'm trying to say is...that younger yourself into too much trouble.Sooner or later your goons get hurt and I can't let that happen." Annabeth said,her voice trembling slightly.

Percy was able to smack the grin of his face,he reached for Annabeth ad kissed her on the lips before looking her in the eye.He clutched her hand and Brant them closer."I'm so sorry Wisegirl...I didn't know you felt this way." He apologised.

"Of course I do Seaweed Brain...I'm your girlfriend.That's what girlfriends do...make sure the love of there life is safe..." Annabeth sniffled,squeezing his hand.

Percy nodded slightly "I won't go...for you.We can just spend the say in New York." He decided "Okay?" 

Annabeth shook her head " have fun,just remember to be deserve to have a life too.Even if that means getting wanted by police." She said with a small laugh.

"I wont go..." Percy said.

"No.You will go.Annabeth demanded


"Percy." Annabeth said annoyed "Go." She demanded.



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