A little Rant

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In most Percabeth Mortal fanfictions Luke is usually a jealous ex who wants revenge on Annabeth and he's portrait as a bad fuckboy.

I don't really like that Luke is always the villain,like I know Luke is the villain in Percy Jackson and that he worked for Kronos and all but Luke is really a good guy.He could of just left Annabeth when they where on the run but instead he let her join Thalia and him they where like a family.

And when they got to camp Luke still didn't abandon Annabeth,he kept her under his wing and they where like brother and sister,they stuck together like glue and that's why Annabeth was so hurt when Luke left to join Kronos.

I never really hated Luke,apart from the time in the Titans Curse where he held a knife to Annabeths throat and made her hold the sky.But Luke did want to stop Kronos from possessing his body,that's why he wanted Annabeth to run away with him again like they did years before and why he told Percy where his Achilles spot was.

So that's why Luke really shouldn't be the jealous ex in the storys,he never really was jealous of Percy.I honestly think Percy was a bit jealous of Luke at some point between the 4th and 5th book.I don't ship Lukabeth,Percabeth for life.

I just wanted to have a quick rant about that.

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