Jason and Nico are jealous Part 1

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The door to the Hades cabin was suddenly slammed open,Nico's eyes widened as he turned around and took his sword out of his hand in prepare of attack.In front of him was a tall person with dirt on his face,he wore camoflauge and black boots.He had a black hat on and had binoculars hanging by his neck.His electric blue eyes looked at Nico's almost-black eyes pleadingly.

Dropping his sword,Nico immediately charged at the monster,the monster braced for impact and let out a high pitched scream before being attacked by Nico's punches and kicks "Nico! I'm not a monster! Its me Jason" the blond said quickly as he tried to pull his friend off of him.

Nico continued to throw punches at Jason "I know,this is what you get for going in my room without knocking!" His friend replied angrily.

Jason sighed in annoyance "I have a reason for it though!" He said as he tried to tackle Nico on to the ground,which backfired and ended up getting the the son of Zeus pinned to the ground.

Nico layer on top of Jason and put his arms behind his back "It better be worth it or I swear to Gods Jason-"

"-can you shut up?! Your boyfriend is cheating on you with Piper!" Jason shouted frustrated.

Nico immediately stopped attacking Jason and stood up. Jason helped himself up and took his helmet off.Nico glared at Jason "Will isn't my boyfriend" he said "We're just friends" 

Jason raised an eyebrow and smirked "Really,Leo and Calypso are 'just friends' but they clearly like each other." Jason pointed out.

The son of Hades glared at the blonde "Whatever..." He mumbled under his breath "Anyway,how do you know?Where you spying on Piper?" Nico asked with a small smile.

Jason's eyes widened as his face turned a bright pink  "No-No.I was just walking around-"

"-In camouflage?" Nico asked.

The son of Zeus sighed with embarrassment "Fine,I was spying on Piper.Anyway,I saw Piper an Will totally hitting it off-they where laughing and everything.I bet there dating." Jason guessed.

"So what if there dating? Why should I care? Leave them alone and let them be happy." Nico said upset.

Jason looked at Nico as if he was trying not to laugh "Leave them alone? Are you kidding me?" He snickered. "Let's just get it out of the way-I like Piper and you like Will. And it brakes both of pur hearts that there dating. I'm not going to just give up on her though so I'm gonna try to win her back.And you want Will too." 

Nico sighed "This is a bad idea but I love Will so I'm in" he said in defeat.

Jason grinned ear to ear "Glad to hear your on bored because apparently there going to the mall later today as a date,and we're gonna follow them!" Jason said excitedly.

Nico sighed.This was gonna be a long day.


⚠⚠Part 2 is coming soon,please review and share,thanks!⚠⚠

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