Frank and Leo

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Frank placed the flowers on the ground,the petals brushing against the headstone.Frank looked at the headstone with sadness,Emily Zhang it read,his mother.

It had been a year since his mum had died and so much happened,he found out he was a demigod,got clamied,Grandmother died,he saved the world and fell in love.It had been such a crazy year he completely forgot about his family,something he hated.

Frank stood up and sighed.He remembered the solider knocking on his door saying that his mum was dead,he remembered every single detail of that day but nothing about the funeral and he hated that.

He blinked away his tears and stood straight,he gave his mum a salute,the one she'd always do when she'd get home from the military every few months.

Frank felt someone put a hand on his shoulder,he turned around to see the curly haired Latino boy he knew well. "Hey Leo" he said upset as his head drooped a little so he can see the short boy.

"Hey Frank,heard you'd be here,thought I'd join you" Leo said,he didn't smile or laugh like he'd usually do,instead he looked down upset.

Frank didn't really like it,sure he wasn't fond of Leo when they first met,but he got attached to him over the months. "Why are you here?" Frank asked.Firends or not,why'd he visit him in a graveyard?

Leo sighed, "I just wanted to see how you where doing and all since your mum died." Leo said.He looked at Frank to see that he didn't quite believe him "Okay,I just wanted to tell you that death is hard and how I know what is like losing someone close to you,but you will get over it,its hard,but slowly but surely,you'll get there" Leo explained.

Frank looked at Leo impressed "How'd you know all of this Valdez"

Leo sighed again,bit did a cold laugh "My mum died when I was eight.I don't want to go into details or anything but that's when my life started crashing down,but I got better,Jason and Piper helped a lot" Leo explained.

Frank smiled "Thanks for visitong, and telling me it'll be okay"


I get this is horrible

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