Cally Rays

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⚠ I have nothing against Christians, this story was about a homophobic girl in my class shaming my bisexual friend, she just happen to be Christian. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I was quite mad when I originally wrote it. I have annoyed a few people with this story so I might be deleting it soon.⚠

Hi.My name is Cally Rays.I'm 30 year olds and live in Long Island-and I'm obsessed with God.

I've made it my job to go around the state,telling everyone about Christianity and why they should follow.This includes all the rules,benefits and blessings.Im basically the next Jesus.

I sat on the bench of Richos Park.It was a Monday morning and the weather was nice and sunny but not boiling hot.I looked around me to see an elder man sit on another bench and birds flying over my head.

I smiled and began reading my book-the bible.

It had been ten minutes off me reading when them-it.

Two boys,having fun,holding hands.HOLDING HANDS!

I put my book away and looked at the boys.The first boy had light skin and dark hair with brown eyes.He wore a black shirt with a skull on it with black jeans and black trainers.The secend boy had bright blue eyes and blond hair with lightly tanned skin.He wore a red shirt and cargo shorts with trainers.They both seemed around 15.

I was immediately annoyed,not only was that boy wearing death,he was gay with that sunshine kid.I hated Gays-just like God.

I gritted my teeth,those boys are going to hell.I watched the two angrily,seeing what there up to.They where strolling through the park,holding hands and talking to each other.They seemed to be having fun.Well I wasn't having fun,they ruined my morning my being in this park!The elderly man looked at me crazily.

I watched the teenagers for another five minutes until the boy in black gave the blond boy a kiss on the cheek.

I snapped.I stomped to the boys whilst screaming so loud people from Brazil could hear me.


The boy in black tensed up a little and the blonde boy looked confused."Exude me ma'am,but what are we doing wrong?" He asked innocently.

"What your doing wrong?Holding hands!Kissing!Being gay!Its horrible!" I said

The blond boy sighed "How is it?Most couples do stuff like this,why shouldn't we?" He asked annoyed.

"Why shouldn't you?!Because your gay!Gay!You know how disrespectful that is?!You two are going to hell!" I say angrily.

Suddenly,the boy in black started laughing,then the blonde boy.They busted into laughter "Of course where going to hell lady!" The boy in black laughed. "See you there!" He laughed.

"This is not funny!Being gay I'd wrong and disgusting,God will be happy that yourndead,and since he is,I am too!" I say.

The two kept laughing until the boy looked at me angrily "Get your fucking face out of here you homophobic bastard and fuck off" he said before grabing his boyfriends hand and leaving the park."She's retarded" I heard him mutter under his breath.

I felt my cheeks go red before I stomped back to my apartment pissed.


Hope you liked it!Percabeth will be next.

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