Leo and Calypso

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"Happy Birthday Leo!" Calypso said happily as she gave a quick kiss to Leo.Leo smiled to her,it was his 16th birthday today and he and his friends where at Camp.They where all at Leos cabin to celebrate since it was HUGE!

Leo's siblings where at the beds talking with all his friends,his siblings kept smiling to Calypso and Calypso did the same,Leo wondered what was going on there.Before he could think however,Percy grabbed his shoulder and placed Leo by his cake.

"Happy birthday repair boy!" Piper said as she lit the candles.Leo's birthday cake was simple,large,circular and was orange,it also had an adorable picture of Leo in the middle.Leo smiled at that.

"Hazel and I figured that you loved yourself so much that you'd like a picture or yourself on your cake to remind yourself of you" Frank explained to Leo.He may not of liked Frank at first,but him and Leo where now great friends,especially after Leo found out Frank cried after he thought he died.

Leo smiled and blowed out the cancel,he then received a deadly amount of birthday digs and then sliced up the cake.The cake was chocolate inside and Leo licked his lips,chocolate cake was the best."Guys this is great!" Leo said,he then saw Hazel and Frank fist bump in triphant.

Later was gifts,Annabeth gave him a book about the greatest machines made on Earth,Frank gave him a piggy bank since he always lost his,Hazel gave him a nice set of candles because smelling oil and grease all the time was horrible,Percy gave him iron man comics,Piper gave him a picture frame of him and all of his friends,Jason got him socks that had Leos face on it with a matching shirt and Will and Nico gave him a mug that said 'Repair Boy' on it.

However,Leos favourite gift was what he got Calypso.He present came in a box that was the size of her hands,it was wrapped in orange with black designs on it.Leo opened it to find a wooden box in it with no lid on it but a handle.

Leo looked at Calypso confused "Open it" she smiled 

Leo obliged and slowly turned the handle to see the box unfold and to have a small crystal ball into it,the crystal ball showed pictures and clips of Leo and his mum.

Leo felt his eyes prickle with tears as he watched the memories unfold.He then looked at Calypso who who sat right next to him "I forgot about how my mum looked like" he said emotionally.He then hugged Calypso tightly "Thanks so much" he let the tears fall.

They eventually stopped hugging "It wasn't just me,your siblings helped to,I just added some magic to it" She explained.

Leo looked at his siblings "Thanks" he said.

Jason looked confused "Why are you making him cry?!Its his birthday!That's so sad!!" He examined.

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