Part 33- Difference.

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"4 Months passes"

Destiny P.O.V

* Thursday*

Can't believe i passed at physics, mom owe me big time well i think i should tell her as i go home later.

I hate going to actually, my days there we're getting worse and worser, i can't even stay there for awhile, because that crazy bitch, Ella White, the leader of the "Populars", we're making my life worst!

And may i add, for past 3 months William was at that group, they join him, that causes us, fights or misunderstanding, but we talk at the house and our relationship is stable, so for me its good thing, even if we don't talk usually at the school like the old days.

I'm not so much excited next week Winter days, gonna start, but i'm happy that we will have a little break, yay!

As i walk to the corridor of the school, i saw my friends, yes, i make friends this time and happy with it.

"Mary Anne! Alice! hey!" i called them, while walking toward them, Alice said "hey! so what's up?" i smiled an said "Fine, so are you guys gonna stay here while winter days?" they nodded and i said "Wanna stay with us, i think my mom wouldn't mind we have guests and you can stay to our another guest room.. so? what do you think? but... you two gonna share the room." they smiled and said "Well if you say so, but you should tell it first to your mom, kay?" i nodded.

William P.O.V

What am i gonna do?!? if i don't get higher grades for the next months, my scholarship will be ended, i can't tell to my mom that i lost it, and i'm one year underage to get a job, damn it! How can i explain this, they trusted me!

Maybe this freaking group that i'm in is my problem, when i was not in this group and i'm with Destiny i got higher grades, but now i got sh*t scores!

I need to get out to this problem, that i get in.

I really miss my old life, like old routines in all of the stuffs i'm making in a day, i miss how i study really hard just to got a high grades, and now look at me i like a happy go lucky boy, who doesn't think of what his doing in his life, i hate this part of me.

I hate it.


A.n: Well fast forward aye? then that it! So maybe i wish winter days would make things great times to Destiny and William.

And a big surprise for William Next chapters i think!(Spoiler much!XD)

And sorry guys i think my trailer would be cancelled, my computer crash, i mean the application that i've been using crash, so just for until, it worked again! love yah all!


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