Part 50- What, why?

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Luke P.O.V

I saw her finger moved, maybe this is the sign she would wake up, i looked at her hand, and wishing that it would move again, but it didn't.

I sigh in dismay, how long should i wait? how long should when she wake up??? I wanna see her again, I can't wait for so long, i really really liked to see her again.

As i lay down my head at the side, thinking of things,never thought i would drift of to sleep.

William P.O.V

Finally! Having a regular bath, it felt great, but the uncomfortableness and worried feeling was bothering because i have never stayed to the house for so long, so i was bugged for it.

As i sat to my bed, memories flashback to my mind, tears were forming to my eyes, but i kept them, i lay down and looked at my empty ceiling and think of things, what would happen if Destiny's awake, as my eyes got heavier, i drift off to sleep.

*The Next Day*

I got myself to the hospital and saw Luke looking at Destiny, so i have knocked and he looked to me and smile, so i kind of smile back, then he stand up and get his bag, then go home, he has school so he need to go home.

Hour later, the doctor and i talked, the doctor said that everything great and fine, nothing bad results at the CT scan and Lab tests, and i felt relief for that.

As soon as i got inside, i sat at the seat at the side and hold Destiny's hand, i felt strange because i felt she squeeze my hand, but i know its just my imagination, because i really wanted that to happen, but as i looked up to her, i think.... She did.

As i stand up and looked at her, she slowly opening her eyes, so i push the button in her upper side, as i pressed it, her doctor and her nurses flooded to the room, then they make got out.

I panicked, i felt excited, happy and most specially felt alive again, i never thought i would see her eyes and she will wake up!

After a half hour, the doctor came out with a disappointed face, then i come in and see her face turned to me with a confused written on her face.

"umm.. Doctor, why is there something you want me to say?" i wanted to laugh but time is not a laughing time, "Destiny, stop joking around, geez." she frown and said "but..but.. i'm not joking... who are you?" then i frown if hits me, she doesn't remember me.... "Oh...sorry umm, well.. i should.. go now..." she nodded.

I walk towards to the office of the Doctor, i want to know what happened to Destiny.

"Sir i'm sorry but she has an amnesia, a condition in which a person is unable to remember things because of brain injury, shock, or illness, but in the condition of Destiny, maybe because of the impact she has to the accident, that's why her brain makes her hard to remember thing." i frown and what she said "But you just said that she is alright nothing's wrong to her, but now.. ugh!" she stand up and said "I'm sorry sir, i can't stand anymore your tone to me, you may got out, and sir she can have chemo therapy, that would have some sessions that will make her brain exercise and remember things, and please go out. " i looked at her, and got out.

I walked to the corridor where Destiny's room was, i can't come in, because i know there nothing i can go back in there.

Destiny P.O.V

He's not My doctor?

He's my Boyfriend.!?!

What the hell!!!

Where's Luke???

Did i have a family?

Why am i here??

If he's really my boyfriend, well i think he knows my past, i mean past future, future past, i just i don't know, well it sounds i'm using him, but well kind of, i just need to know, i want this question to be answered immediately.


A.n: Hey!!!Hey!! so i have made this while having a movie marathon in the night with my so called cousins. yay!!!

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