Part 54- That unexpected moment

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Yay! I was accepted to join our Journalism in Science and Technology! It was a big achievement for me, i join because i know things about Science, and it gave me a lot of credit. And i hope i will be accepted to join in our school, Drama class, just waiting when to audition and what will be the result.:)))

Things to share for you all, that's why i was kind of busy.



Destiny P.O.V

"Do you still love me?" as i heard that word towards William's mouth, its just like i was been stab at the center of my heart, i was surprise that tears were falling into my cheeks. "Why he has an effect on me? How? What is this feeling that i've always have when i'm around with him? And do i still love him?" I question my self, i don't even have answers in this, it just that "How can you love someone when you don't even remember him." Tell me how?, i was taking so long to answer his question, i just answer him a mindless question, "I don't know, i can't even love my friends, just because i can't remember them." i said, i heard he deeply sigh, and said "Me too, des, i don't if i can love you more and more, every single day you were the reason why i wake, and now i think i don't belong in this world, because the girl that was my reason, left and doesn't even remember me."

Tears where threatening to fall, i closed my eyes and let them fall, i was sad that i was making him so so disappointed and sad, Anger was building in me, i was mad at myself, why can't this stupid brain just make me remember things. I looked at him and recognized tears where streaming to his eyes, "Stop the car there." i said, he looked at me and said "What?" i said sassily to lighten up the mood "You heard me! Stop the car!" and he nodded and stop the car in a mini shop with a motel, as he parked "Why did you want to stop here?"

William P.O.V

"Why did you want to stop here?" i said, as i wipe the tears in my cheeks, "she answered me quickly, "Nothing, i just want...Well there's something.." i looked up and said "What is it?" she looked at me, and hugged me tight, i was surprise in her action, but i hug her tight too, i miss her hug, her scent, i just miss everything about her. As she pulled back, she leans closer in my side and whisper, "I'm sorry, i didn't even think that i caused you a lot of pain." after that i felt a warm lips touches mine, as i open my eyes, i saw her kissing me, like right now, inside i was jumping in happiness, i just kiss her back, the scene just got heated, but i pulled away, she looked at me with like she wanted more, but i just smile and said "I think i was wrong lately, It just make me Love you more." she smiled and said "Lets make a this a way of a second chance. huh?" i just nodded, We're back! "But wait! I want you to help me, regain my memories, like bring me to places that we go, and meet people that i used to be with, kay?" she said with a cheerful voice, i nodded.

"Well do you want to go in Australia?"


A.n : Yay!! finish the 2nd part, unexpected huh? well yeah!! haha finally!!!:))))


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