Part 61- "I'm the reason"

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LOL 60 chapply chapt?!? Woah!!! I'm like super excited!! It getting near to the end! Ha! so excited!!!!! WAHAHA! So making my other story "My CyberFriend" actually i having a writer block on that story!XD haha!




"Good evening doctor." she said, i nodded as i do the same, "Hello, so Destiny Carter, let's get starting, how's your day?, Do you have something to tell about us?" she looked directly to the doctor and said "Yes, i think i need to tell you this thi-" a knock cut her off, as the nurse enter, with a paper on her hand, she gave to the doctor, she asked "Is she Destiny?" She just nodded, the. The nurse got out.

What's on that paper?


Destiny P.O.V

"Excuse me. Can i see those papers?" I asked, she stiffen abit, "This is confidential and its not usually right so i might give another shot of doing an another test of it." I nodded slowly, i looked at William who's definitely holding my thumb, i smiled at him, but i felt something is just not right.

"But if it is the result, they it might be the one that come out on the other test."

"Destiny, i know your really willing to remember your memories, but this result might loosen up your faith, so please let me just have an another lab test."

I nodded, and got out to the room, i deeply inhaled the cold air passing through the corridor of the hospital. I looked up at William who's trying to give his best shot to make me smile, but even I'm trying it didn't work.

I looked at the window of the car, hoping that i can see something that can make me remember everything that i forgot, a loud beep from the car behind us that make me zoned out to what I'm thinking, it was only traffic that's why.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He said, while his eyes is on the road, i shook my head no, i breath heavily and just give my attention to the stores that we passed by.

William P.O.V

I certainly didn't want to bother her, she looks there's something that is missing in her, and i know that, which is her memories, i can't think about the things that can take this away, she is just fragile as glass. I can't look at her eyes, i feel i was the one who made this to her.

Should i take the blame on me?

Should i sacrifice for something that didn't do?

Or Should i need to let go?

I know this things are to risky to do, but i think i should, definitely she would hate me for this thing, but i just need to make things better to her.

Yes, i think i should.

"Destiny, i have something to tell you." I sigh.

She looked at me and said "What is it?"

I parked on the side of the road, which is near at their house, and say "I... I'm the one... I'm the reason..-"

"Of what?" She cut me

"I'm the reason you lost your memory." As i said that i looked at her eyes, she looked shocked.

"William, Stop!! Your lying!!" She shouted.

"No, I'm not."

She kept quiet and said "Let's just go home."


An: i know its super short short... atleast i updated right?? Soon to complete this story yey!!!

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