Chapter 4: Break Out- Part 2

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On the past chapter we've find out that 4 months ago crimes in the city has ascended because of the explosion that gave people certain abilities, giving them a choice to use it to protect or destroy humanity, Now the prison of green city exploded the prisoners finally broke out of their jailcell now it's up to someone to save the city...

On a dark alley, Jeck walked to a trash can weakily then he fell down and crawled down towards a hobo. "Hey man.. I need some clothes!" said Jeck as he pointing towards the hobo's cart.

"Wha's ha??" asked the homeless man.

Jeck clenched his fist then lit it up in flames. "Clothes.. NOW!" he yelled.


Christine and Ella was riding her motorcycle off to elsewhere.

"What?! You got Powers?!" asked Ella a little surprised.

"Apparently yes! I've discovered it a month ago.. I didn't know what to do at first but... It kinda grew on me being strong and all.." said Christine as they drove off.

"Is that the reason why you're at the future labs earlier?" her friend asked.

"Well... Yeah." she said in response.

"uhmm Chrissy?? Do you really think Jeizar is the one who blew up the labs??" asked Ella.

"i don't know but i will find out.." said Christine as she grip on the handle tight then drove faster.

"But..who's the other guy back in the apartment? Do you think he knows something as well?" asked Ella.

Christine looked at the road then replied. "i don't know.."

Then the traffic lights on the road turned red then they've stopped. Ella looked around then saw some crowd was looking at something at a store.

"Hey look at that.." Ella pointed then Christine looked at it as well.

"...Currently Police are trying to handle the situation but most of the prisoners have special abilities that's holding the police men down.. S.W.A.T team are already heading towards the prison to help the police, citizens are advised to stay at home for the time being..."

Christine looked at the Television then clenched her fist. "Ch-chrissy? Don't you think you should h-" Ella then looked back and saw that Christine has drove off towards somewhere.

Ella looked at her friend then sighed.


Allan was on his place then he dropped down his bag and sat down then he grabbed the remote then opens the T.V. with it.

"What's happening to this crazy city.." he said to himself as he looked at his arm then he clenched his fist.

"what happened to me.." he said then he grabbed his head then looked down.

Allan gasped then he heard outside some police sirens, gunshots and a loud roar somewhere.

"wh-what was that?!" allan gasped then looked outside.

Allan then stand up slowly then looked by the window. "something's definitely wrong.." he said to himself as he looked at the smoke miles away from his place.

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