Chapter 16: Secrets

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Allan left the training field of the dessert and off to find answers on CeruleanVille, He blame himself for the death of thousands in the coast island explosion. And that he finds out what project out of sight was all about he was left broken because he was used and the death of thousands was in his hands... Guilt was consuming him slowly now little does he know that there's someone else in CeruleanVille.

"Chrissy! Hey! Wait up!" yelled Ella as they slowly got down from a ship. Ella was wearing a brown coat and some leather pants and some boots. Christine was holding their bag and was wearing a black jacket and a red scarf around his neck and was wearing some skinny jeans.

"Remind me again why are we here?" asked Ella walking besides her.

"Well... Boss said to report the so called hero around this city.... He said that it will make a great story.." Christine replied as they walked out from the cerulean port.

"Hero??" asked Ella.

"yeah, he said that it could run very very fast.." said Christine as they walked in inside a bus.

"Now that's new.. You think he's friendly??" asked Ella as they sat down.

"i don't know.. And i'm not here to find new friends.. I'm here for the job.." said Christine as she looked at the window.

"What job? You're job as a reporter? Or job as a defender of Green city??" ella asked as she chuckled lightly.

"Both.." Chrissy replied.

"Oh and by the way.. Where are we gonna stay??" asked Ella looking at her.

"Don't worry about that.. I already rented an apartment for the two of us once we get to the city.." she said. Then ella shrugged her shoulder. "Alrighty then.." she replied as she grabbed her phone and began to watch some episodes of the walking dead.

Christine sighed then gazed upon the road as the bus drives towards the city.

--After a Few hours--

Christine and Ella finally reached their apartment then Chrissy opened the door and they went inside their room. "Ah! Finally!!" yelled ella as she removed her coat and layed down on the bed.

Christine removed her scarf and her black jacket, revealing her white tank top, she took out her cellphone to see if any one messaged her. "hmm.. Weird.. Allan texted me.." she said.

Ella sat up and looked at her. "What does he said?" asked Ella.

"He asked if i'm still CeruleanVille..." replied Christine.

"Maybe he'll come too.. Well in the mean time Chrissy.. I'm gonna take a bath.." said ella as she stood uo and removed her blue shirt and threw it to the bed, revealing her white bra.

Christine shaked her head and put away her phone. "Perhaps i could join you?" christine crossed her arms smirking at Ella.

Ella chuckled as she removed her leather pants revealing her floral panty. "Oh-no.. Chrissy.. You should start finding that running man you speak of.. And enjoy our vacation here in the city silly.. I'll join your search after i take a bath.." said Ella as she removed her boots as well.

Chrissy shaked her head then sat down on the bed then layed down. "Yeah whatever.." she replied.

Ella shaked her head then removed her panty then unhooks her bra then went inside the bathroom. "Suit yourself!" she yelled out from the bathroom.

Chrissy stared at the wall then she slowly rested her eyes and took a deep breath and sighed. Until she slowly began to fell asleep.


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