Chapter 15: Broken

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Last chapter, Project Out of Sight finally commenced. Allan, Lalaine, Henry and Paolo battled Galvez back at the docks. Allan and Paolo experienced his power, Projecting their fears infront of their eyes, Henry was manipulated but luckily Lalaine was able to save Allan from the beast's rage, Galvez almost escaped but luckily Allan was able to catch up in the highway but he was manipulated by Galvez again. Now Galvez finally knows his identity and tries to escape from allan but the whole chapter ended up with a cliffhanger luckily this chapter will reveal what happens next.

"Hey!" allan yelled as he slowly stood up and clenched his fist.

Galvez then looked back then some green smoke spread out through his body them blasted allan again with some smoke.

Allan quickly rolled to the ground ti avoid the smoke then he grabbed his staff then turns it into two batons and glared at Galvez.

Galvez exclaimed then he quickly rushes to Allan then tries to grab his head. Allan dodges it then hit his stomach with his baton. Galvez exclaimed then released more smoke from his body. Allan gasped then he hallucinates that he was about to hit by a meteor then Galvez took the chance to punch him in the face.

Launching Allan to the other side of the road. He fell down then spits out some blood and slowly stands up. "Give up!" yelled Galvez as he blasted Allan with some smoke again then Allan looked at him then Galvez's arms began to turn metal in his mind about to punch him in the face again.

"AHHH!!" yelled Galvez as he was about to hit Allan's face. But Allan then dodges it then grabbed his baton then tased him in the chest. "AHHHHHH!!!!" yelled Galvez in pain. Allan then quickly grabbed him by the back then spins him around then threw him straight to a car.

Allan fell down on the ground then Galvez crashed to a car. "Ah! Is that all you got?!" asked Galvez slowly standing up.

Allan then grabbed his batons then rushes to Galvez. Galvez then launches himself towards Allan using his green smoke then he tackled allan away from the highway and flew towards the city of Coast Island.

Allan hit Galvez with his baton then Galvez countered it using his fist then Allan wrapped his legs around Galvez's waist then he spins around then knocked him off to the ground again. Allan then fell down from the sky then he uses his grappling hook to swing from a building to another then he landed on a small building.

Galvez fell on a car then some civilians yelled. "Ah!!" yelled a woman as she ran off. Galvez rolled over then fell on the ground then stood up.

"I'm gonna kill that guy!!" yelled Galvez releasing more smoke from his body. "Where are you allan?!?" yelled Galvez looking around. Allan then jumped off from the building then fires his grappling hook to Galvez. He turned to face Allan but he was pierce by the grappling hook on his left shoulder then Allan pulled him towards him then punched him to the ground.

"Ah!" yelled Galvez. Allan grabbed his back then threw him to a wall then Galvez slowly stood up then allan grabbed him in his collar then pinned him to the wall then glared at him.

"No more games!!!" yelled Allan. Galvez chuckled then looked at allan. "What's wrong?? Can't handle your fear???"asked Galvez. Allan then headbutt him. "Shut up! Now tell me!!! What's your deal?!" asked Allan a little pissed.

"Allan.. That's enough.. Take him back to the docks!"

"Zip it philip.." said Allan as he removed his ear device then punched Galvez again. "ohh!!" Galvez exclaimed. Allan looked at him then grip on his collar tight. "a lot of innocent people were murdered because of you and i.. Now i'm gonna ask you again.. What's your deal?!... I'm guessing you're not just shipping illegal weapons from one place to another am i right??" he asked.

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