Chapter 23: Defend The City

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The invasion of the black claw has began, even though there are still unanswered questions that are on our hero's heads, they're still gonna need to do their job protecting the city from creatures that has four arms, some of them are still left broken and wounded they still need to be strong for their city.

Jeck crashed on the road then the four armed creature got burned.

Jeck stood up fast then looked at the people that's running away from the building or Rosales, He looked at the civilians and saw that there are more four armed creatures coming towards his way.

"Great... Just got back from the dead and here's my welcome party." said Jeck clenching his fist as his flames grew more brighter.

Some of the creatures roared and quickly pounce on him. Jeck then fires a fireball at it, burning it down before it can even pounce him. One by one the creatures roared and rushes towards him.

Jeck then dodges a few of the creatures and he uses his flames like a flamethrower burning a few groups of the creatures down to the ground. "Tsk!" Jeck exclaimed.

He looked at his right side while burning a few creatures infront of him as he saw a car that was thrown towards him. "SH-" He was then dragged by the car and exploded once it hit the building wall.

A few more four armed creature roared and rushes towards the building and they all scattered around the city, as more and more of the creatures came out from the building.

The wrecked car was then launched from the crash site and crashed to a group of four armed creatures. "I'm not done with you guys yet!!" yelled Jeck as he flew straight to the creatures and uses his flames like a flamethrower burning the monsters down.

He then kneeled down and tries to catch his breath, his flames suddenly worn off. "Fuck... I never had to catch my breath like that before.." he said while panting.

A four armed creature was about to punch him from behind when suddenly it was pierced by an arrow on the chest then it fell down.

"Huh!?" Jeck quickly looked back and saw Lalaine firing her arrows on the building walls, killing off the creatures that's clmibing the buildings.

Jeck looked at the opposite direction and saw more of the creatures are coming. "Come on.. Come on! COME ON!!!" Jeck yelled as he tries to light himself up in flames again then suddenly Henry quickly jumped infront of Jeck and swings his arms towards the creatures knocking them off to the ground.

Jeck gasped then he closed his eyes and light himself up in flames again then he uses his flames again like a flame thrower burning the few creatures that's approaching the three of them.

"What are these things!?" yelled Lalaine firing her arrows to the creatures as she slowly walking back towards Jeck. "I don't know! Just kill them! We need to defend the city before we can come up with a plan!" he yelled.

Jeck then starts to flew towards the creatures that's approaching them and knocking them off before they can get closer to Lalaine and Henry. Jeck fires a fireball to a car causing it to explode, launching some four armed creatures to the sky and into some buildings.

Henry then rushes to a few creatures then he grabbed one of the monster and threw it to the sky, Jeck quickly caught the monster Henry threw and blasted it to a building wall and fell to the ground.

Henry roared and grabbed one creature again and spins it around and throws it to a group of monster and they all crashed to a truck.

"They're like pests!!!" Henry roared out.

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