Chapter 19: Dr. Destiny

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Allan and Christine fought each other in an intense battle and luckily Swift was there to save them from each other. Ella, Ronald and Allan finally know who is the one responsible for the accident of future labs now all they have to do is to find out why David Von Destiny III did it.. It's up to Allan once again to find some answers. On the other hand GMA's training camp is under attack by some mysterious cloak man that appears to be working for Pierce Laxson.

*Warning: Sexual Content*

Daniel tackled the cloak man but the man lift him up even though Dan is in his metal form and was probably heavier than a normal person and threw him out outside the bunker and crashed to the field.

"AHH!!!" he exclaimed.

The man then walked towards the door that leads to the weaponry but Paolo jumped infront of him and sliced his hand using his knives.

The man's hand didn't got severed from his arm he looked at Paolo and saw that his knives was cut off.

"How awful this is.." said The man.

He then fires a blue bolt of lightning to Paolo and launched him off to the wall and into the floor.

Paolo grunted and looked at him. The man then fires a bolt of lightning to the door trying to destroy it.

"Hey!" yelled Daniel as he throws a truck towards the man then crashed to the hallway destroying the sealed door.

Philip and Lady shielded themselves with their arms and looked at the truck. "Shit.." said Philip as he saw the two guards got crushed by the truck.

Dan walked towards to Philip and chuckled. "All done boss.." said Daniel.

Philip then rushes to him and kicked his left leg. "You idiot! You shouldn't have taken him down here!! This place is where he wanted to go! That's why he attacked us you knitwit!" yelled Philip.

Dan chuckled then crossed his arms. "I got him.. What are you worried ab-AHH!!!" yelled Dan as his chest was pierced by metal arm and released an electric current around his body.

"DANIEL! NO!" yelled Lady. Philip back out and gasped with fear. "Oh fuck!" yelled Philip then grabs a plasma cannon from the weaponry and aims it to the man that killed Daniel.

The man then threw away Dan from behind and he removed his cloak "Go ahead! Shoot me!" yelled the man that was revealed to be a human with a left metal arm and wearing a metal mask and his whole body is made out of diamond like mineral that is very hard to break.

"With pleasure.." said Philip as he fires the plasma cannon then the man just took the blast and slowly walked towards Philip and Lady.

"Philip! What ever you are doing it's not working!" yelled Lady.

"I can see it very perfectly Lady!" yelled Philip.

Lady then took out her phone and rushes behind the metal crates on the room and tries to dial some number.

The man then was grabbed by Paolo from behind and lift him up and knocked him back to the ground.

"Paolo!" yelled Philip.

The man then fires a lightning bolt again to Paolo and launched him towards Philip. "Ahh!" Philip exclaimed.

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