Chapter 20: Reunited

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All of our heroes are facing their own crisis around the city. Allan's feeling guilty for the innocent people that died in his hands back at Coast Island. Christine was been kidnapped and currently being molested by a Doctor. Jeck's a fugitive and has a problem controlling his actions due to the virus inside his body, Bryan's nowhere to be found as well as Lady and Philip, and Swift lost the only allies he got. Unfortunately, Lalaine and Henry are there to save them from themselves. Starting with Jeck Parker.

*Warning: Sexual Content*

"Ahhh~" Chrissy moaned softly as Justine moves his hips fast and was choking her neck.

"s-stop.. P-please...ahhh~ n-no more!!" Christine tried to yell then Justine inserts his penis inside her vagina deeper and hits her womb.

Christine screamed then but her lips hard. "S-stop!! Ahh!!" she yelled out as Justine grabbed her waist and moves more faster hitting her womb harder.

"ahh!! Fuck!! I-i'm almost ahh!! There!!" said Justing moving his hips faster he then pulled out his penis from her vagina and came a lot on her breasts. "ahh.. Fuck.. That's so satisfying.." said Justine as he stopped cumming then he slowly got off from the bed.

Justine then put on his pants then wore a t-shirt and went to his working table inside the steel room.

Christine was panting and was looking at the sperm of Justine all over her chest then turns to Justine. "i-i..p-promise you.. W-when.. I get out of here.. I-i'll kill you.." said Chrissy as she was stuttering and panting at the same time.

"i'm sure you will.." said Justine as he grabbed some injections and looked for another paralyzing potion for Chrissy.

Chrissy closed her eyes and tears deipped down from her eyes as she sobs. "Y-y-you Monster.." she said weakly and terrified.

Justine then walked to Chrissy and stared at her nude body, he then inject the needle to her right shoulder and took out some of her blood.

"AHHH!!" she yelled out trying to break free. "Stay Still!!" yelled Justine as he then inject another paralyzing chemical to her chest.

"Ahh!!" she yelled then she slowly lost consciousness. Justine then looked at the blood he sucked from her shoulder and he walked to a chair then he slowly folded his sleeved and revealed his left forearm.

"Wait for me you motherfuckers.. You will all pay.." said Justine looking at his computer that has some pictures of Pierce, Galvez and Destiny.

Justine then injected himself with the blood of Chrissy and he yelled out to the ceiling. "AHHHHH!!!!".


Allan stopped his motorcycle on the side of the highway and he looked around the city and listen carefully for something.


Allan's eyes widen then he drove off to the place where he heard the scream. He then tries to get his phone and dialled Ella's phone but he noticed that he'll almost hit a truck he quickly dropped his phone and went to the right side of the road.

He looked at his phone that was dropped on the road then a car ran over it, "Damn it!" he exclaimed and drives faster and will help Chrissy without the help of Ella or Swift.

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