Chapter 25: Unity

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Destruction has unleash at Green City and only our Heroes can stop them, Christine, the woman that has enormous strength. Jeck, the man who can burn anything. Bryan, the vampire of Green City. Henry, the Beast. Lalaine, a female archer. Swift, the man who can run very, very fast. And a man who can hear everything, Allan. All of them unite as one to protect their City from Destiny. Pierce has already been defeated and it's up to Allan, Henry and Bryan to defeat Allan's old friend. David Von Destiny.

Swift ran towards the city and then to a tattoo shop, he looked around and saw that there are a few creatures inside the tattoo shop, he quickly rushes inside and knocked off the pest out from the shop. "Get out of here!" yelled Swift as he punched one of the creatures outisde the shop.

"You okay guy?!" asked Swift as he quickly turns around and helped the man stood up.

"y-yeah.. Thanks man.." said Peach looking at Swift a little terrified. The speedster smiled and ran off elsewhere.

Christine punched a creature and launched it to a building then she ran towards another one and kicked it down. "Where are they!? They should've closed the sky beam by now..." said Christine.


Allan was thrown to the wall and fell down. "David.. Wh-why!?" he yelled.

Destiny walked towards Bryan then looked at him while slowly standing up. "it's called revenge..." said Destiny as he quickly grabbed Bryan and threw him towards a computer. "Argh!" Yelled Bryan as he fell down on the ground.

"revenge.. Because our dearest friend, Leo stole my ideas on the reactor and use it as an energy source instead as a source of mutation.. I created it so we can mutate and become something more.. So i did what i had to do... I killed Leo in that accident.." said Destiny glaring at Allan.

"What?" Allan said a little surprise.

Destiny just glared at him and smirked then Allan quickly stood up then grabbed his batons, Destiny launched himself to Allan but he was hit by Allan's baton and launched him to the monitors. Allan rushes towards Destiny but he managed to kick Allan off and fell on the floor.

"You cannot stop this, Allan!" yelled Destiny as he fires a lightning bolt to him, Allan rolled to the side and dodges the bolt of lightning and looked at him. "Why don't you just join me!? And together we can rule Green City!!!" said Destiny. Allan kneeled down and then looked. "Argh!" he exclaimed as his wound starts to bleed again.

Henry roared and then pounced on Destiny and hit him with his arms again and again. "Argh! Ahhh!!" yelled Destiny as Henry starts to beat him up. Destiny grabbed his arms then glared at Henry then he fires a blast of lightning from his chest.

Henry was launched to the ceiling then to the ground. "Ofhhhh!!" exclaimed Henry. Bryan then came in and punched Destiny as he was standing and was knocked back. "Great..You again.." said Destiny as he grabbed his neck and looked at his eyes. "D-do your...worst!" Said Bryan.

Allan looked at him choking the vampire and yelled. "NOOOOO!!!"

Allan stood up and swings his batons to Destiny, he managed to grab his baton and glared at him again. "Stay down!" yelled Destiny as he threw Allan away from them. He smashed Bryan to the ground and place a hand on his chest and electrified him. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" yelled Bryan as he was in pain.

Allan slowly looked at them and he quickly stood up and tased Destiny from the back. "Argh!" he exclaimed then Destiny swings his arms to Allan and knocked him back to the ground.

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