Book 2 - Chapter 29: Counter Attack

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My name's Bryan MacCormack...

The explosion of future labs was a tragedy...

But i've discovered that wasn't the worst thing that i've experience in my entire life....

You know what's worst? The fact that you're an immortal being that can't die but you've managed to die along side with the people that means so much to you because they've made you felt like you're someone else other than a blood sucking monster....

The people that you can call Friends....

I'm glad that i've managed to die along side with my friends that day.... I truly am..

They made me felt human again..

Swift ran around the mall as Pierce chase him down using his lightning abilities. Pierce blasted him with a lightning blast but Swift managed to dodge it fast.

"Hey!!! Is it too late to change your mind on what you are doing!?" yelled Swift.

Pierce yelled at him. "AHHHH!" before firing another blast of lightning towards him.

Swift dodges it then he saw a child that's on his way, Pierce looked at the child and smirked as he blasted a bolt of lightning towards the child.

Swift gasped and quickly rushes towards the child as he grabbed the little girl before the lightning hit them.

Pierce flew straight towards Swift but suddenly Bryan tackled him down to the department store where they both rolled down on the store items. Some civilians fell down on the floor as they both beat each other up while rolling down. Pierce then blasted Bryan with his lightning bolt and was launched to the glass and to the ground floor of the mall.

Pierce clenched his fist and kneeled down. "That's it!" he yelled a little pissed off.

A woman was running away from the department store when suddenly Pierce launched himself towards the woman and grabbed her by the neck. "AHHH!!" yelled the civilian.

Swift rushes towards Pierce and then he stopped and gasped. "Let her go! This is between you and us.." said Swift.

"Really now??" Yelled Pierce as he slowly trying to choke the woman. "N- AHH!! P-please!" the woman begged.

"NO!" yelled Swift.

"Take one step closer and this one dies!" Yelled Pierce with a sinister smile.

Swift clenched his fist and glared at Pierce, "How does it feel? To be so powerless when it comes to saving a young woman?? You feel so useless do you?..... But i'm happy to make you useful if you could join us and together we can rule the humans with ore newly found abilities.. We can use a man like you.." said

Swift took a deep breath and looked at the woman that's begging for help. He glances back to Pierce as sweat began to drip down from his cheeks.

"Well???" asked Pierce with a smirk as he chokes the woman a little harder. "AHHH!" she yelled.

"WAIT DON'T!" yelled Swift.

Pierce laughed and chokes the woman with all his strength, "AHHHHHH!!" yelled the woman then suddenly from behind Pierce, blasted him with a fireball, letting the woman go. Swift rushes quickly to the woman and grabbed her and rushes off somewhere safe.

Pierce fell down on the floor and looked behind him and saw Jeck wearing his new leather suit with some blue designs on the chest and arms as well on the legs.

"You!" yelled Pierce.

Jeck smiled and winked. "Hi.." he said before lighting himself on fire and flew straight to Pierce and pinned him down on the floor.

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