Chapter 13: Test Drive

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Allan has started his training and with the help of Philip, Allan out ran the Beast and beated the heck out of Dan. Philip said that Allan has more brains than brawns and he has more advantange in the field of battle than anyone else in the team. Philip then showed allan what he will be wearing in the mission and looks like that Lady is finally noticing allan because of his results in the training and the tattoo artist assumed that she's having feeling towards him.

*Warning: Sexual Content*

"Agh!" yelled Allan as he gets pinned down by Lalaine with a staff. "Again!" yelled Lalaine chuckling, she stood up then Lalaine helped him stand up.

"That's 10 for me and 0 for you allan.." said Lalaine putting down her staff. She walked towards her bench then grabbed her towel then wiped her face with it.

Allan sighed then threw his staff away. "i can't believe this." said Allan as he wiped his forehead with his forearm. Lalaine then chuckled and shaked her head. "it's all about skills allan.. If you don't learn how to fight using a staff.. I'm afraid the mission will be over.." said Lalaine. Allan sighed then removed his black shirt.

"don't worry.. I'll learn about it.." he said as he get a new white shirt and wears it. Lalaine blush a bit then shaked her head. "Whatever, Reyes.." she said as she gets her bottled of water and drank up.

Allan made his way to the hall of weapons then gets inside the weapons room that Philip showed where his armor at.

Allan slowly walked towards the glass pillar and looked at his suit. "Any reasons why are you here??" asked lady that slowly walked towards him. Allan looked at her. "I was going to ask the same thing about you.. What are you doing here??" asked Allan.

Lady chuckled then looked at his suit as well. "i figured you'd come here after Lalaine beat you up in that staff match back there.." Lady chuckled, teasing Allan.

Allan sighed then shaked his head. "i was getting the hang of it.." said Allan.

Lady crossed her arms. "Sure you did.." she said. Allan just looked at her then sighed. "i was thinking...maybe i should put it on for a test run.. To know if i'm comfortable fighting in that kind of suit.." said Allan with a chuckle. "Yeah.. Not a chance.." said Lady while smiling.

"well why not?" Allan said getting alittle bit closer to Lady.

"I know what you're doing allan.. Flirting won't work on me.." said Lady while glaring at Allan. "I know.. You're always so angry at me..ever since i said No to you and john.." said Allan looking at Lady's eyes.

"Fuck you allan.. I'm warning you.." said Lady while blush then she place a hand on allan's chest. "Go ahead, push me." said Allan then he grins as Lady just paused for a bit to look at his eyes then blushes even more. "Fuck this.." she said then grabbed Allan by the nape then kisses his lips torridly.

Allan then grabbed her waist then kisses her back aggresively. Allan then grabbed her hands then pinned her down to the glass pillar then deepens the kiss as Lady wrapped one leg to his waist then moans quietly.

She slides her tongue inside Allan's mouth then battled his tongue with hers. She then jumped then wrapped her legs to Allan's waist then allan' eyes widen then they both fell to the floor then breaks the kiss.

Lady and Allan looked at each other then laughed a bit. "I thought you're angry at me??" said Allan, teasing the woman on top of him. "i lied!" Lady replied then kisses him again passionately then she removes her coat and unbutton her blue long sleeve. They both moaned as they kissed and about to make love in the weaponry.

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