Chapter 18: Struggle Between The Two

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Pierce Laxson paid Jeck a visit to warn him about his debt, Jeck's body was poisoned by nanites. He's now being controlled by someone who is far more powerful and smarter than Pierce. In the other hand Chrissy finally knows the name of Swift, Ronald Stone agreed to help them out and Christine promised that she'll forget about everything that happened and stick to her main objective after their visit to Charles Gregor.. A surviving scientist on the explosion...

On the middle of the dessert where the training camp of GMA is. Lady looked came in to the bunker and yelled. "Henry! Lalaine!"

Henry came in rushing to her then Lalaine walked towards her and stopped infront of her. "Yes. Maam?" Lalaine asked.

Lady hand over Lalaine some papers and Lalaine then grab it and read it carefully. "Green City's hospital was attacked by Jeck Parker.. The man who help two oth-" Lady was then cut off.

"you mean Allan and Christine??" asked Lalaine.

Lady looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, Allan and Christine back then.. John assigned you two to investigate on how our so called Hero is now destroying public places like the hospital.." said Lady.

"You want a beast like me to roam around the city?" asked Henry with his growly voice.

"wear a disguise...a cloak or something.. Goodluck with you two, your mission start within an hour, so get ready...dismiss.." said Lady with a smile and wandered off somewhere.

Lalaine then looked at Henry then tapped his shoulder. "Come on big guy..we have a mission to do.." said Lalaine as they both went to the locker's room.


"Charles Gregor.. I was told that you were once a scientist back in Future Labs.." said Christine slowly walking towards him, trying to intimidate the old man.

Charles then grabbed his cane and walked towards his work table. "Yes... I was once a scientist back then.. But everything changed when the accident happened.." he replied.

"What happened that time?" asked Ella.

The old man closed his eyes then puts a hand on his face and sighed. "it's really hard to remember... " he said with a cough. "The explosion accelerated my age.. And turned me.. Old.." he added.

"and then think harder.. What do you remember.. Did you saw who was the one responsible for that??" Christine asked as she slowly walked over to Charles.

Gregor then looked at Christine and looked down. "I remember one thing.. " he said.

Ella and Ronald just looked at the two then Christine was just glancing at Charles as Charles slowly leans in and whispered something to Chrissy.

Christine then gasped and her eyes were filled with surprise. "What?" she asked.

"..I was the one who bomb the Labs..."

Those words keep repeating in her mind then she quickly grabbed his neck. "Argh!" Charles grunted as Chrissy pinned her to the wall.

Ronald and Ella gasped then Ronald quickly ran to Chrissy and grabbed her arms. "Christine.. Calm down..let him go.." he said.

"oh..i will calm down.. After i know why did you do it!?!" She yelled. Ella covered her mouth with her hands and was surprised at what Chrissy have said.

"i-it was n-not me..really.." he tries to speak. Chrissy glared at him. "Liar!" she yelled. "i-i-i w-was... Controlled!! Ahhh!!" Charles yelled as Chrissy's grip tighten.

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