Book 2 - Chapter 28: A Spark

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My name's Jeck Parker... The hot-headed, Awesome freak, fireproof asshole on Green City...

What Happened that day was a tragedy, and we've lost the battle.. I was the only one to survive the explosion of the second reactor... My Friends... Were killed because i couldn't save them all...

Where's Swift you asked??? I don't know either... I've lost hope...

"okay tough lady.. Now tell me what is this all about?" asked Bryan crossing his arms, they're on Bryan's old science building, Jeck was resting on the bed and Lady and Bryan was on the hallway as Philip, Lalaine and Henry were on the same room as Jeck.

"alright.. This might sound a little crazy.. But.. Hear me out if you're really a former scientist.." Said Lady.

"Go on.." Bryan replied.

"a young speedster came back in time to restore a horrible thing that's done in the future.. Green City was destroyed.. And you can help us stop what's coming.." said Lady pointing her finger to Bryan

Bryan just looked at her and sighed. "time traveling by using the exact amount of speed that's equivalent to the speed of light is rather impossible..." said Bryan.

"But this guy managed to do it.. Face it.. He's more powerful than any of you.." said Lady glaring at Bryan.

"More powerful than..." Lady tries to add something but she held back and looked down and sighed.

"Anyway.. Will you help us?!" Lady looked at him.

Bryan looked at the hallway then took a deep breath and glances back to Lady. "If what you're saying is true.. Why do he need us?? If he himself is more powerful than us??" asked Bryan.

"Because even though he's powerful.. He still need each and everyone of you.. He also said that you're the one who sent him back in time.." said Lady with a little smile on her face.

Bryan just looked at her and sighed and looked away.


Back on Rosales building, Pierce and Destiny was walking om the hallway when suddenly. A man wearing a black suit and an eagle head gear jumped out from the ceiling. "Hello there.." said the man.

Destiny and Pierce glared at the man. "What's this?!" Yelled Destiny.

"I came here as soon as i heard a familiar voice..from here.." said the man slowly grabbing his staff.

"and i've heard about your plans.." said the man.

Destiny clenched his fist and looked at Pierce and nodded. "Do as you wish.." said Destiny.

Pierce smirked and fires a lightning bolt to the man causing him to be launched to the hallway and to the floor.

"Argh!" he exclaimed then Pierce rushes towards him and jumped towards him and stepped on his chest.

"Let's reveal who you really are.." said Pierce as he removed the head gear and threw it away and saw the man's face.

"i know you... You're that man who fought Galvez.." said Pierce clenching his fist.

"good guess.." said the man then he grabbed his staff and swings it to Pierce causing him to fall on the floor. The man quickly stood up and twirls his staff and glared at Destiny.

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