Chapter 10: The Aftermath

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Two days have passed since jeck saved the city as a hero. Bryan was never seen after that and Juan and Jake misses their friend. Now that Rosales company has fallen the city will now have less gangs to worry about. And a new story is about to begin.

On the streets of Green city, in broad daylight. Allan was walking back to his local tattoo shop with his bag.

"Hey Peach!" yelled Allan as he went inside the tattoo shop. "goodmorning Allan.. Looks like you're having a good day.." said Peach. Allan smiled then nods fast. "Yeah. Well.. Looks like it.." he said, he went to the employee's room then closes the door. He set his bag down to the locker then removes his leather jacket.

"So peach!" Yelled allan as he went outside the employee's room.

Peach was sitting behind the desk then looked at him. "hmmm?? Oh hey, before you say something.. Someone came here she said to me to give this to you.." said Peach as he hand allan a brown thick envelope.

Allan then took it then nod. "Thanks.. I'll check on this later.." said Allan.

"Nah, you should check it now man.. The lady said it's important... The lady was sexy by the way.. Was she your girlfriend ma nigga?! Cause damn!" yelled peach. Allan looked at him curiously. "Wha-?" he shaked his head then suddenly came in.

"peach's tattoo shop! Is this the best tattoo shop in green city?!" yelled a customer that came in to their shop.

"Absolutely man!" yelled Peach, Allan nodded then set the envelope down to Peach's desk.


Outside the tattoo shop of peach, A black mercedes benz car was parking on the side of the road.

"He didn't opened it... Are you sure this guy's responsible enough to do our mission??" asked a man wearing a blue suit and a red tie.

"trust me, Phil.. I've seen him fought.. I'm sure he's the perfect man for the job.." said Lady who's wearing a black suit and a blue skirt.

Phil shrugged his shoulder then grabbed some pack of ruffles from the back. "if you say so.. But what do i know.. I'm just your partner.." said Phil as he take a bit of the chips he's eating.

Lady then looked at her phone then back to the tattooshop, waiting for Allan to read what's on the Envelope.

--Meanwhile After a Few Hours--

"Hey Lan! Could you do me a favour??" asked Peach.

Allan was washing his hands then Looked at peach. "Sure thing man.. What is it?" he asked.

"I'm gonna run some few errands could you watch the store a bit while , Thanks Man.." said Peach as he grabbed some of his stuff then went outisde the store.

Allan nods. "Sure thing man!" he yelled. Allan then wipes his hands with the towel on the chair then just when he was about to go inside the employee's room. He caught a glimpse with the brown envelope once again. He sighed then he went to the door then changed the "Open" sign to "Close".

Allan then sat on a chair then opened the brown envelope, He looked at the papers and saw that it's a classified file.

"Project: Out of Sight.." he whispered while reading the words and grabbed more papers and saw that there are reports about them.

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